Be Somebody Who Makes Everybody Feel Like A Somebody…

3 min readApr 18, 2017


Courtesy of Rabedirkwenniigsen Pixabay

And finally an image of a cute animal! No blog should be without one ;-)

I wouldn’t go as far to say that this is my ‘life mantra’, but ‘be somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody’ are definitely words to live by. And I try to. Everybody gets a buzz from, or feels happier by being acknowledged. Something so simple such as thanking somebody, congratulating somebody or even asking how somebody is, is something that many people are scared to do because they are too bothered about how they may come across. Believe me, they are too busy thinking about what others think of them too! I’m perfectly fine chatting to people I don’t know, but sometimes I can be a little shy, especially in big groups of people who all know each other and I don’t. I always remember those people that make a point of coming over to either introduce themselves or introduce me to others within the group. It really makes the difference and makes me feel less of an outsider. These people are the keepers, the ones to put in your address book, the ones to give a gold star. Not only are they giving your ego a dusting, they have taken the time to think about somebody else and how they might be feeling.

From working in a call centre, I’ve known that simple ‘tactics’ such as calling a customer by their first name instead of ‘sir’ or ‘madame’, can have a positive effect on your conversation and it’s outcome. Okay so this all sounds a bit manipulative, but I’m hoping you get the point. We like to be acknowledged. It makes us feel special. It helps to build better relationships. We’ve all had that ‘conversation’ with somebody where they have talked all about themselves, and when it comes to your turn to talk, you know they are only preparing for what they are going to say next. Right?

How many of us actually really listen?

Sometimes when I’m in a conversation with somebody, I may have something I’m dying to tell them before I spontaneously combust, but from trying to listen harder and ask more about them and holding out on me, I find that I enjoy the conversation so much more, they are too and because I’ve taken the time to listen to them, I’ll usually get my turn too. Some might just say that’s conversation…

Looking At The Bigger Picture

Sometimes other people can be challenges due to coming across as blunt or having some kind of other negative demeanour. It’s true that there’s no pleasing some people and they are best left to their own devices, but I try not to judge what I see if I can help it. I know when I’m having a bad time of it that I may come across as being distant or even a bit cold, it just means I’ve stuff going on rather than actually being a cold and distant person. So I try to turn it on it’s head. Try and appreciate other people’s current perspectives. Everybody has their own path. Help them with it if you can.

Here’s a cracker of a quote that I’ll leave you with, from American cosmetics business owner Mary Kay Ash;

Did you see some of my other favourite quotes to live by?




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