[Day 16] Zero to MVP in 30 Days — Code is More Fun than Marketing

Emil Bruckner
2 min readDec 8, 2017


In this series I’ll validate a new idea. Read about the concept here (Day 0) and the idea here (Day 1).

Today was fun, I wrote some code. There is one not-so-MVP-feature I want to try in the future: It never came to my mind until today, that Find Better Questions could open multiple browser instances and scrap them at the same time. I “wasted” some time today on how I could do that. But I’ll stop that effort here and let it be a motivation for times after these 30 days.

Photo by Tom Barrett

Why don’t I enjoy Marketing?

I wouldn’t say that I don’t like marketing. The problem is probably that I don’t see any immediate results in it. When programming, you get a small rush of dopamine with every commit. The concept of finishing something in marketing is a bit different. If it’s not about code or content, I don’t feel like finishing things. Maybe I just don’t set myself concrete enough tasks. I’m also a bloody beginner when it comes to marketing, so maybe I’m just inefficient in some manners. Or maybe I just have to accept that not all areas savor the same complexities in their workflows as software engineering.

The plan for tomorrow

  • Write a blog post
  • Bring the product to a state that one could call MVP
    (That’s still missing a lot of stuff I want to ship with the first version, like auth & analytics.)

← Day 15 — Defining the Mission Statement

→ Day 17 — Not Hitting My Goals

