The State of SaaS Content Marketing: 3 Key Opportunities in 2019

Emily Byford
2 min readAug 19, 2019


This is the final part of my four-part series, exploring the state of content marketing in the world’s biggest software-as-a-service companies. It updates and expands upon a study I did in 2017. We’ll see how content marketing has changed since 2017, and how the fastest-growing companies can use content to challenge the biggest names in SaaS.

Click here to read the complete post.

As I said at the start, statistics are only useful if you can learn from them, and use them to improve your marketing. So what can we learn from all this data? What does this mean for content marketers in SaaS companies, large and small? Here are my three key takeaways — the biggest content marketing opportunities for SaaS companies in 2019 and beyond.

1) Focus on your customer

If you want to use content marketing to generate sales for your business, offer something valuable in return. Don’t just blog for the sake of it, or to keep your boss happy. Learn about your customers, their problems, and the value they get from your product. Create content that delivers real value, rather than simply using it as an opportunity to broadcast about your company or your products.

2) Be consistent

SaaS content marketing takes time. My content marketing career has spanned 5 years now, across several different industries and verticals. And by far the most important thing I’ve found when it comes to content marketing success is consistency.

3) Be brave

Don’t be afraid to try new tools and test new channels (think Drift or other conversational tools that are becoming more and more popular… what will the next new channel be, and how can your company make the most of the new opportunity before your competition?

And finally…

Everybody blogs. But not everyone does it well.

Almost all the top SaaS companies use content marketing, in some form or another. But as this data shows, it still offers a huge opportunity for smaller SaaS companies to disrupt their bigger competitors.

You can use this data as a simple benchmark, to track your performance and see if you’re on-par with the ‘average’ emerging SaaS companies or their bigger cousins. Or you can view it as a call-to-arms. Average content marketing brings average results. You can do better.

Originally published at on April 28, 2019.



Emily Byford

Content at @Akkroo. Writer, reader, accident-prone climber.