The Healthy Hair Series — Part 0: My Hair Growth Origin Story

Emma Carey
5 min readMay 16, 2023


I FINALLY Grew Long and Healthy Hair. Here’s How.

I’ve started getting a lot of compliments on my hair, which is awesome. So, after much deliberation, I decided to start a hair care series of blog posts alongside my usual wisdom.

Instead of telling you ‘10 Ways to Grow Your Hair’ (and believe me, I’ve written those posts), I want to share what I personally do to achieve long, healthy hair.

Some of the topics I’ll cover will seem pretty obvious if you’re not a hair care novice. But I’m not going to just share what you need to do, I’m going to let you in on why you need to do it and how these practices help your hair.

Photo by Paul Siewert on Unsplash

If you’re someone who’s been trying for years to grow their hair, who feels like nothing is working and who has resigned to having ‘shit’ hair, then this series is for you.

I want to show you how I went from this… (fine but not great)

…to THIS, in just 18 months.

Unstyled and unbrushed (I know wtf) locks. And I’m still going.

Okay, *cracks knuckles* let’s get into it.

This series of hair care articles are going to cover:

  • Protective styles
  • Brushing
  • Hair oils
  • Day-to-day maintenance
  • Products
  • Washday
  • Styling
  • Nutrition
  • Inflammation
  • Mental Health
  • Mindset

And maybe some other stuff. I don’t know yet, I’m making it up as I go along. But first, let’s learn why I’m into hair care in the first place.

My Hair Growth Origin Story

Photo by Yogi Purnama on Unsplash

I hate reading about people’s backstories.

When I find a recipe on Pinterest, I don’t want to hear about how you pre-make these healthy muffins for your snot-nosed kids. I want the goddamn ingredients pronto. I feel my hair background is a little like that.

BUT, I decided to include it so you know where I’m coming from and if this resonates with you.

It’s 2015, and I’m staring in the mirror, trying not to cry. My hair has gone.

I’ve not been using any heat or hair dye, but my hair looks like it’s been fried by lightning.

I haven’t been pulling it out, but there’s a bald patch at the back of my head. Whether I air dry it, blow dry it or brush it, it still looks terrible. Why, why is this happening to me?

Photo by Antonio Gabola on Unsplash

It’s two years later, and it’s happening all over again. I’m suffering from severe depression, and what takes the brunt of it? You guessed it — my hair. I start obsessing over other women’s hair, looking at them on the street with an ache inside.

It’s not just hair!

It’s my personality, my identity and a reflection of how I feel on the inside. It’s my confidence, my self-esteem and my beauty. Fuck people who say, ‘Love yourself for who you are.’ I want awesome hair!

Then, lockdown hits. I’m anxious with no job, and I get super into the wavy girl method. I spend money on gels and mousses, but my waves are never good enough.

Will I ever have hair like those other women I see? Maybe it’s just not for me. Maybe I will never get ‘their’ hair.

Oh, how wrong I was.

Photo by Darya Ogurtsova on Unsplash

After lockdown lifted, I went to my friend’s wedding, and the stress of my hair was horrible. I wanted it to look lovely, but I didn’t know how to style it, and I felt self-conscious the whole day (that lockdown tum-tum didn’t help, and yes, body positivity is great, but can you take a day off please?).

When I got home, I felt frustrated. The worst thing was I wanted it to improve, but I didn’t know what to do! I’d exhausted all of my options.

I wanted a hair care expert to come along and say, ‘Hey angel, here’s exactly what you’re doing wrong, and here’s how to fix it. Here are the products you want and the routine you need.’

What if I could tell you that I’m that person? I’m your guardian hair angel?

Photo by Almos Bechtold on Unsplash

I decided to start my #hairjourney by following hair influencers, doing my research and experimenting. I mean, why not? Nothing was working anyway!

After adopting some new methods, a few things changed. I never thought I had ‘soft’ hair, but gradually it stopped feeling so rough. I could brush it more easily, and the length…I could see it growing month after month! So, I kept at it. I stuck to a routine, and now, 18 months later, my hair has never been so healthy.

And there’s no way I’m going back.

But, before I get into hair care, you need to know one CRUCIAL THING.

Great hair is all about practising long-term gratitude.

When you put that deep conditioning treatment on even though it takes an extra half an hour, when you’re sick of wearing a braid and when you put your hair dryer on the warm instead of hot setting, you have to remember…you are rooting for your future self.

Because, later down the line, you’ll be able to shake your hair out of a boring bun, and it’ll look great. No hours of heat styling necessary.

You’ll save money on products because you’ll stop desperately trying everything under the sun and instead have your trusty few that you know work.

You’ll have a routine down without having to think about what you need to do each time.

You’ll feel more confident and accomplished because you know you’ve stuck with something you’ve always wanted, and now you can reap the rewards.

These methods may not suit everybody, maybe I’ll share advice that you don’t agree with or miss out stuff that other hair care people talk about. It is, after all, anecdotal evidence.

But isn’t it worth a try?

So, if you’re ready, stay tuned. Because next week I’ll be releasing Part One of The Healthy Hair Series — Taking Protective Styles Seriously (seriously).

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Emma Carey

I am a freelance self-development blog writer. Need some self-care? I got you.