Entity Battle of Launches: Official Recap


Congratulations, astronauts! Thank you to the MultiversX community for making the Entity Battle of Launches a success. Join us for a full recap of the event, plus more information about what comes next for the Entity Launchpad!

One team, one dream

Since 2022, the Entity team has been hard at work building a next-generation launchpad to enhance the MultiversX (formerly Elrond) ecosystem. With key focuses on DeFi and GameFi, the Entity Launchpad will fill major gaps in the network and drive mass adoption.

Entity hosted the Battle of Launches event from February 23 to March 3 as a final stress-test for the Entity Launchpad. On a mission to join the $10,000 prize pool, hundreds of brave astronauts searched for bugs and attempted different launch scenarios.

Overall, Battle of Launches participants successfully completed a range of scenarios and found three bugs that qualified for Bug Bounty rewards.

The space race begins

Before breaking down the prizes, we wanted to give a quick overview of how it all went down.

A total of 796 users submitted a valid registration during the signup period. These astronauts were each assigned to a testing group, and then it was off to the races.

586 different test wallets started the Battle of Launches KYC phase, and 455 of these wallets successfully submitted their KYC information. Since this KYC was only for test purposes, 100% of these 455 wallets passed KYC successfully and moved on to the next phase.

The Battle of Launches was held on the MultiversX testnet from February 23 until March 3 2023

Following the snapshot, 317 test wallets qualified for Tiers 1–5.

Tier 3 had the most qualified wallets with 166 in total. This can be attributed to some people staking enough xEGLD for Tiers 4 and 5 but selecting Regular instead of Full KYC. These users were still able to submit their tasks at the end for Scenario 5 and claim rewards.

In it to win it

During the Buy Tickets phase, 279 test wallets purchased a total of 2034 tickets for the lottery.

252 test wallets ultimately claimed their tokens from the lottery, with most winning some $BOL testnet tokens that they can keep as a souvenir. This successful test lottery means Entity is one step closer to launching some real projects that will fill gaps and add value to the MultiversX ecosystem.

The final phase for Battle of Launches astronauts was to submit their tasks to get credit for their $EGLD rewards. Several hundred Battle of Launches astronauts made it all the way to the end of at least one scenario, which was a strong testament to the community’s perseverance and passion for Entity.

The moment you’ve all been waiting for

The Entity Team also invited users to search for bugs directly related to the Entity Launchpad and win up to $5000 in the Bug Bounty contest. Overall, Entity received 62 bug reports. After a thorough review from our developers, the team found one major bug and two minor bugs that met the criteria.

The major bug involved the dApp core connection, while the other two were related to minor issues with the KYC country selection menu and the Buy Tickets flow. These bug reports received a total of $1,650 in bounties. The Entity Team would like to thank everyone who reported bugs to help make the Launchpad more robust and battle-tested.

But what about the other $3,350 in Bug Bounty prizes? As promised, these funds have been added to the Participation Pool!

That means that the total participation rewards are now $8,350 overall. Because 222 scenarios were submitted before the deadline, Battle of Launches astronauts will receive approximately $37 for each scenario that they successfully submitted.

Stay tuned for the $EGLD rewards within the next 1–2 weeks!

Driven by the community

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Battle of Launches event for helping bring the Entity Launchpad to life! Your hard work means we are now one step closer to having more groundbreaking projects on MultiversX in the near future.

This Ignition Check for the Entity Launchpad was made possible by the dedicated support of the Battle of Launches sponsors. The Entity Team gives a special thank you to ARC Staking Solutions, holoride and Knights of Cathena for serving as Platinum Sponsors for this event.

The Battle of Launches sponsors helped make this event a success. Thank you!

Additionally, Blok and Inception Network made the Battle of Launches possible through their commitment as Gold Sponsors.

Entity wishes all the best to each of our event sponsors and everyone in the community who participated!

Onwards and upwards

If you missed out on the rewards from this event, don’t worry. There will be plenty more opportunities to get involved with the next phase of Entity, Growth Engine for Web3.

After the Battle of Launches rewards are distributed, the Entity Team will begin final preparations for the first real launchpad project.

The next chapter in Entity’s journey will be very special

While we cannot announce the name of the project yet, we believe this startup will provide a range of added value to the MultiversX ecosystem.

Stay tuned for more details.

Become an Entity OG

As Entity prepares to debut the Launchpad on the MultiversX mainnet, one of the best ways to stay up-to-date is through our Official Newsletter.

And as always, join us on Twitter and Telegram for all the latest contests, news and updates. The Entity community awaits you!

Enhancing the MultiversX Ecosystem

Entity is a Launchpad and suite of cutting-edge tools for Web3 builders and investors. Entity is focused on catalyzing growth in key areas such as DeFi, GameFi, NFTs and real-world blockchain applications.

MultiversX is a highly scalable, secure and decentralized blockchain network created to enable radically new applications, for users, businesses, society, and the new metaverse frontier.



Entity: Cross-Chain Growth Engine

Entity is building the first comprehensive cross-chain interoperability solution: https://entity.global