And then a hero comes along?? — a reply to Ikenna Okwara ‘s “Love in all of its metaphors”

3 min readFeb 16, 2024


It’s the season of Love, and there really is no better way to feel it than to read Ikenna Okwara ‘s timeless piece here

Seriously though, you have to read that first before you can go further…

Stole this photo from Ikenna. I love it nearly as much as he loves his metaphors 😁

And then a hero comes along??

They say everyone’s the hero in their own story.

But I guess I might be the one exception to this because I’m no hero in this battlefield I call my life, you are.

Other heroes glide in,

In some sort of metaphorical steed, sweeping the maiden off her already clumsy feet with some sorta corny line or at least a majestic gesture…

…but you, you are nothing like those carefully crafted paladins.

You’re probably the Shrek of all heroes.

Grumpy, but secretly sweet.

Strong, but only to hide how lazy you really are.

And green, but only with envy to all of the insignificant swamp flies that perched around me.

You and I have always been quite the unusual pair, haven’t we?

With your temper as short as Lord Farquaad and my mood as off as Olaf’s “What frozen things do in Summer…”

We broke all of the barriers of stereotypical couples like Barbie & Ken, and Mr & Mrs Potato head.

We’ve always been our own people, You & I…

Like Deadpool with his relationship with that metal headed dude from X men that you love so much.

And Antman and a worm, instead of a wasp.

You know that Paramore song that your brother wouldn’t shut up about last week?

I looked it up.

It’s called, “You are the only exception” and I couldn’t agree more because darling, you are the only exception…

To all of my absurd rules,

To all of my unremarkable insecurities,

To all of my cons on the long list of stuff no one ever asked me to write.

Phil Colins’ “ Two worlds” comes to me now as I write this letter that I know will take you all of forever to finish reading.

But that’s okay, because it took me but all of the universe’s circle around the sun to read yours.

We are as alike as we are different.

That’s what I love about us.

And to add to the list of blatantly insane things I’ve been saying for the entire length of this letter, can I just say that

I need to see you for the first time outside of virtuality,

But I don’t want to.

I’d be lying if I said I can’t wait to see you; because I can.

I really can.

‘Cus what if all the magic that is us doesn’t go beyond our devices and clean internet connection?

Call me crazy but 2 months, 20 days, 5 hours, 2 minutes and 30 seconds till the nexus event is not so bad, not so bad at all…

Okay can we just discuss how insane it is that I got to work with unarguably one of the best story tellers to grace the floor of this earth??!

Ikenna Okwara is a true inspiration as you can tell from his piece here.

He speaks of his emotions in the most ethereal way and I’m still in awe of his work, as you can probably tell.

Mine is a bit different from what I like to call his formal love because well, how do you match greatness?

I hope you all a great Valentine’s celebration?




The logophile writer next door✨ Author of ‘A Chameleon in a pack of skittles’ (If you get the metaphor, I love you already)