Eternal Manuscript

Eternal Mages
4 min readJul 20, 2022


So let’s get down to business. In the last article, we made it clear how things are with the current new “free-mint”, “no discord, no roadmap, only for the culture” collections. They are simply cashing out on you, involving you in the race for sweeping the floor and playing the last fool game. No one suggests further development of the collection, game mechanics, or a specific use-case of your JPEG as a Service.

We will touch on what scam/fraudulent schemes are being played by the same creators of different collections in our upcoming investigation and provide irrefutable evidence that will make you think.

But let’s take it in order. The NFT world — as well as the world of our sparkling magicians who are preparing to enter the Adventure Path and go through it with you — is a space, at first glance, with limitless, MAGICAL opportunities to earn money with just a few mint clicks, and then enjoy watching the growth of floor price.

Unfortunately, this is not the case, you are being deceived (will be in Magic Investigation Part I : Volume cheating and wallet analysis).

Looks pretty familiar, right?

In such a wild market, only technically trained people who can read and track the manipulations of numerous creators of useless collections earn steadily and a lot. Someone uses special software and bots, someone tracks Premint and tools like Icytools/NFTNerds/etc someone scan Twitter 24/7 and manually tries to track down new PFP gems.

Our team of on-chain analysts, devs and designers has a huge experience with all the bots and services for a successful mint and we want to share it with you (by the way, the well-known Nansen and HotContracts are completely ineffective in this process, because they do not allow you to conveniently track the collection at a very early stage after creating a contract and copy the mints of smart NFT degens).

We understand that just one fascinating social game with our magicians in the magical world, it is impossible to change the general existing narrative in the NFT industry. You need profit, you need tools that will help you track all these smart money and have time to mint next Moonbirds,, Saudis (everything was also on Premint, just no one knew about it because they did not see transactions on special wallets).

We are true Magic degens.

We really appreciate our small community that we managed to gather around our Magicians, and we want to give you the opportunity to deservedly possess these very tools that are not publicly available anywhere. Prove that you can be involved in the community, prove that the idea of building an entire game universe can be in the hands of active users!

for the last time, we inform you that the use case of our Mages is full access to the entire set of special software, with which you can see who is the very first to start minting collections, which floor price grows at times after reveal.

Let’s demonstrate a little:

  • Script for fast NFT mint (for any number of accounts)
  • Script for fast automatic registration at Premint Raffles (for multi-accounts)
  • Bot-tracker (for checking what NFT degens follow at Twitter) Bot-tracker (for checking what popular NFT multi-account wallets are minting)
  • Bot-investigator (for monitoring wallets activity and receive notifications)
  • AlphaHint — Constantly updated own database with wallets minting early-stage gems.
  • One more alpha — tools above are only 30% of software we are going to share with you

IMPORTANT: This is not just another “X” Pass, etc., which simply gives you access to some ephemeral closed chats in the discord, where you see the shill of the next collections, MAGE Final Phase is clear and complete product for tracking on–chain activity at early stage + analysis of social networks to search for next Goblins when no one knows about them yet.

So rules are clear: show that you are ready to be part of the community, walk the path with your Mage to the end, and as a result you will get to the service of Titans.

Requirements for the access:
-First 500 Eternal Mages with final transformation (will cover this topic in details in next Chapter)

-Holding 5 different Mages

-Outstanding battle winners (hint)



Eternal Mages

Start the journey with 𝘂𝗽𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 your NFT heroes. Prove your loyalty for the final reward!