The 2d wave ends tomorrow! Join the whitelist now

Eternal Trusts
3 min readJul 31, 2018


We would like to remind you that the 2nd whitelisting wave will end tomorrow, the 1st of August. Currently, the token price is $0.014 with a 33% discount. This is a limited offer on a ‘first come first served” basis: once we reach 250 million tokens in contributions, the discount will decrease to 15%.

We have seen a large growth in the number of sign-ups in the past few days, so the whitelist is being filled up very quickly. If you want to contribute to our mission with the best possible conditions, hurry up and apply for the whitelist right now by clicking the link below:

Sign in to enter the Whitelist

Find out why members of the crypto community are purchasing Eternal Trusts tokens:

  • The project aims to disrupt the multi-trillion* industry of Trust Management. No current player on the market can compete with such a decentralized platform as Eternal Trusts.
  • The platform will allow token holders to participate in a crowdfunding process for the R&D missions required by the clients’ objectives. This will strongly stimulate the demand for new innovative technologies.
  • The Eternal Trusts token is the only token on the market that provides a more reliable, autonomous, and democratized alternative to Trustee services for the crypto world.
  • The Eternal Trusts token has a high utility, underlies every business process of Eternal Trusts, and serves as a medium for most of the transactions within the platform.

* Taking into account assets under management, source: IBISWorld Industry Report “Trusts & Estates in 2017 in USA”

Check out a quick update on what’s been going on in the past few weeks:

  • Dr. Diana Deca, a highly-qualified and experienced neuroscientist, joined our team as the Chief Strategy Officer.
  • We decided to switch to EOS and never looked back.
  • Our development team that builds the core of the product had many significant breakthroughs in integrating Hyperledger with EOS to implement the most important backend features of the platform. Also, our hackathon Github group attracted more than 75 developers interested in contributing to our platform. This marks the start of building a supportive open source community around the project. Check out our development blog for more details!

If you have any questions about the whitelisting procedure, feel free to ask them on our Telegram group. We will be more than happy to help!

Thank you,

Your Eternal Trusts Team

Eternal Trusts is a hybrid intelligence platform that manages and spends crypto assets on your behalf to fulfill long-term purposes. We combine the technology of hybrid intelligence with smart contracts to make the established model of the traditional trust fund completely obsolete.

In the next 5 years, we aim to fully disrupt the centuries-old industry of fiduciary services by creating a much more autonomous and affordable alternative for the crypto world. Our mission is to create a reasonably priced way for everyone to achieve their long-term aspirations and hopes, no matter how complex they are or what kind of new products and services they may involve.

