Thank you Community. MVP and IEO are coming

1 min readMay 15, 2019


Dear Fidelity Suite Community,
I would like to thank you for the support that you showed recently. We took in consideration your suggestions and recently The team has been working on the MVP and contacting various exchanges for launching the STK IEO in the near future.
The MVP is intended to show you how Fidelity Suite platform should work, with basic features, showing how we intend to revolutionize the loyalty program ecosystem.

When the MVP will be officially released, we will be glad to hear your feedback and suggestions for improving it at the best.

I would also suggest, if you wish to be involved at the best in the project, to not miss the chance of acquiring STK tokens during private sale before going into IEO.

Thank you for your attention and again for your support,
sincerely The Suite Team

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