Use Any NFT To Find The Paragon

5 min readAug 18, 2023


Find them.

Find the Paragon is a game companion to the Paragon Platform. In it, you use OTHER NFTs to play.

I know– crazy, right? Paragon has a collection– Riftwalkers, but you don’t need one to play the game. You don’t need one to find our NFTs, to gather loot, or to take part in the Paragon Rewards system. Seekers will be powerful players in the game, but you don’t have to have one.

You just need any NFT from any verified collection.

That’s right– we built a game that uses other NFTs to power it. They’re the players, they’re the playpieces. But why?

Because the game is much more than that. It’s a game, true– but it’s also a reward system, a testbed for trying out platform features, and it’s a way to work with Creators. We designed it for everyone– not just our community of Seeker holders. Everyone with a verified NFT can be rewarded.


We use games to explore, to have fun, to learn, to compete, to accomplish, to receive treasure. In some sense, everything– even life– is a game. A game system. And the Paragon game is designed as a way to add some magic to the Paragon Rewards system. Within Rewards, you earn XP that levels you up doing just about anything within the Paragon ecosystem. That XP will either earn you rewards (when you hit certain echelons of XP gain) or allow you to compete for rewards during set times of competition.

The game part of this equation is very simple– send NFTs out to Seek or Quest on missions that– if successful– result in loot rewards that can be NFTs, in-game currency, boosts, collectibles and all sorts of other useful items. Some of these missions are solo, some require others to help, but all of them require an NFT or two (or three) in your wallet to begin.

(and no, we don’t have a BAYC partnership — that’s an example)

When we launch the game in pre-season, it will be super simple — click a button, verify the NFT is in your wallet, get a result. Then we’ll add in what you see here in each subsequent release from Season 1 on —

  • Adding more NFT collections available to Seek
  • Bringing in consumable Boosts and new ways to add to your chances for rewards
  • Adding collectibles to the reward pool for set completion and unlocks
  • Telling the story of Paragon across worlds, driven by the actions of the players

Every verified collection can be used (so you don’t need to do anything to get going if you already have an NFT collection), but not all NFTs are equal. Most NFT collections will be on even ground in terms of success and tastiness of reward, but some collections will partner up with Paragon to offer their own prizes in the loot or enjoy a time period when use of their NFTs will gain bonuses or added reward opportunities.

Platform features

Paragon is the NFT Experience Platform– we’re focused not just on what NFTs cost or how to get them– we’re focused on what they DO, what they allow, and what access they grant (to all sorts of things). Because of that, we’re bringing you an onslaught of features to experiment with, from NFT rental to true Buy-Now-Pay-Later to Swaps and much more. These features will matter in the game.

Say this week, Pudgy Penguins have a bonus to the loot missions return, but you don’t have a Pudgy. Right from within the game, you can rent one just for the week. When you do, the Pudgy is yours for the week, has its effect on the game, and you also can enjoy whatever else membership in Pudgy gets you (events, token-gated experiences, drops, etc). As we develop new platform features, we’ll find ways to give players reasons to benefit from what those features do across collections.

And reward everyone. A lot.

Working with Creators

Collaboration is at the heart of growth and success in the NFT world. This game offers a fantastic platform for other NFT creators to work together, exchange ideas, and create synergies.

Projects with a big beat coming– an event, a drop, an evolution in their art, etc– can work with Paragon to distribute access to those things, drive attention to their happenings, and direct their community (and potential new holders/members) into ways to get deeper experiences from their ownership of that project.

It can be as simple as being the key partnership for the game for a period of time, where that project’s NFTs are additionally powerful or successful in the game or as integrated as offering incentives for buying, renting, or financing.

Lots to experiment and partner on (so if you’re a creator, hit us up to explore via email, or hop in our Discord).

Find The Paragon is an ever-evolving part of the Paragon Platform, representing not only a game experience, but a way to experiment with features and partner with your favorite projects. Because it’s open to all projects, it’s open to all collectors/traders/players– everyone can farm and earn rewards planned to include (but not limited to)

  • NFTs
  • In-game boosts
  • Platform benefits
  • One-time prizes.

It’s an open game for all communities and holders. But most importantly, it’s another addition to Paragon’s core aim to maintain something we all love about NFTs:

The fun.

Follow along with all the updates on Paragon on Twitter or jump into the community, and say hi on Discord. Find Riftwalkers here.

