Mysterious Fathoms Below

365 Writing Challenge, Day 28

Annie Flanzraich
1 min readAug 17, 2018


Nets of red algae covered the dome of air that enwrapped the city buried in the ocean.

The algae provided camouflage for the underwater metropolis. When its inhabitants looked up, they could see the bioluminescent lights dance on the feathery tendrils. Occasionally a large jellyfish would float above, creating a comet of light against the darkness.

No natural light penetrated to the city’s depths, so the rising and setting of the sun held no meaning. Instead, the council elders long ago decided to mimic the night and day on land by timing the light-emissions. Underwater, a day lasted 24 hours, and a night another 24 hours.

Prompt: Write down a question you have about your writing or your life. Turn over the page. With a pencil or pen let yourself doodle for 5 minutes, without thinking about the question. Let the doodle speak to you as a Rorschach inkblot test would speak. Write what comes, 20 minutes.—From Patchwork Farms

This post is part of my 365 Fiction Writing Challenge. Read my self imposed rules and other posts here.

Click here for yesterday’s post: A Haiku For Wednesday

Tomorrow’s post: By The Pricking Of My Thumbs



Annie Flanzraich

Writer. Editor. Feminist. List maker. Spreadsheet acolyte. Process junkee. Teacher. Student. Wanna-be wonk. Aesthetic seeker. More deets at