By The Pricking Of My Thumbs

365 Writing Challenge, Day 29

Annie Flanzraich
1 min readAug 18, 2018


I see you,
with your bat eyes, matted tendrils
and teeth too sharp and too long to be human.
Double, double, toil and trouble,
what imaginings you bring to a bubble.
Thrice you did call.
Thrice you did receive.
Fictitious villains and prying eyes
grasped at your secrets and disguise.
’Tis time, ’tis time,
and yet, the hourglass runs dry.

This post is part of my 365 Fiction Writing Challenge. Read my self imposed rules and other posts here.

Click here for yesterday’s post: Mysterious Fathoms Below

Tomorrow’s post: Not Under My Umbrella



Annie Flanzraich

Writer. Editor. Feminist. List maker. Spreadsheet acolyte. Process junkee. Teacher. Student. Wanna-be wonk. Aesthetic seeker. More deets at