Tutorial: Add ETHW to FoxWallet

FoxWallet Official
2 min readSep 15, 2022


The Ethereum Merge is done!

The Merge is a technical upgrade that will shift Ethereum’s existing proof-of-work consensus mechanism to a proof-of-stake model. With this move, Ethereum aims to significantly cut its carbon footprint and lay the groundwork for future scalability upgrades.

And now, FoxWallet has fully supported EtherealPoW(ETHW). FoxWalleters can add ETHW by adding custom RPC.


“Settings” — — “ETH RPC”

‼️ Warning!FoxWallet can’t verify the security of custom networks, please add only trusted networks. If you delete FoxWallet, all custom network data will be lost.

Fill in the information according to the instruction and then “Save”.

(ETHW RPC URL: https://mainnet.ethereumpow.org)

Go back to the “Wallet” page and check that all operations have been completed successfully.

📚About FoxWallet

FoxWallet is a decentralized mobile wallet, also known as a Self-Custody Wallet. In other words, both the private key and seed phrases will be stored locally, rather than being uploaded to the server. Its seed phrase implements general standards as BIP-32 and SLIP-0044, allowing wallets to support multiple blockchains and achieve compatibility with other wallets (e.g., Metamask and imToken) regarding address and seed phrases. Different from other wallets, we aim to keep supporting novel blockchain projects with mining features, including hardware mining and staking as mining, providing users with safe and stable mobile wallet experience and mining-related tech services.


