Jan Updates for FundYourselfNow

4 min readJan 12, 2018


Time flies and it has been over a month since our last update. Today, i would like to share with you the progress we made since our last monthly report and outline the plans for the month of January


As mentioned in Dec updates, one of the key areas were focusing on is content generation. For the month of Dec, we were writing one article under the FYN account everyday. Currently we are a contributing writer to the top 3 crypto/tech publication on Medium (The Mission, Hackernoon & Good Audience).

Over the last month itself, we crossed 100,000 views on medium for the articles we wrote, and we garnered about 1463 fans organically. Show your support by following us on medium if you have not yet.

One of the article i personally wrote gathered over 10k views on medium and got featured on Zero Hedge, a leading financial news website, with over 100k views. We also got featured again on the front page of Business Times Singapore. We are working hard to establish ourselves as a thought leader in the crypto-currency space.

By end of this month, we are launching a new channel called Blockchain Hunt, where we will hunt and review the latest Decentralized App (Dapps). If 2017 was the year of ICOs, 2018 will be the year Dapps. There is an incredible number of products launching in 2018 and having this channel will align well to our vision at FYN, which is to make Great Ideas Happen. We will be able to feature FYN projects and get them the visiblity they need through these channels.

Our first three reviews will be covering Kyber Network, Digix & Tron and we will be working with an popular cryptocurrency youtuber to launch this channel.

By end of Mar, we hope to be able to hit monthly views of at least a quarter million a month through our video and news articles. Currently, we have also started doing content marketing for the ICOs under us and we expect significant revenue to come in from the media side (PR & Content Marketing) in the next few months.

We are also rebranding FYN in line for our official launch in Feb, with a name competition starting next week, and attractive prizes to be won! Do stay tuned to our twitter page.

New Projects

We are happy to welcome 3 new projects: Newera.energy (Vietnam), Viola.AI (Singapore), Matchroom.io (Malaysia).

For these 3 ICOs, we are helping extensively and advising on their crowdsale.

Find out more on what these projects do and the exclusive deals/bonuses for FYN tokens holders here.

We would also like to congratulate all the ICOs (WandX, Genaro, Olympus Lab, Gatcoin) that we have helped so far and their successful ICO completion. Their token price has also done extremely well over the last few months.

We are also excited to have our first major FYN hosted event for the ICOs we are helping in Vietnam on the 28th Jan. We will also be be heading down to New York late Feb, with the event hosted by our own FYN advisor, Michael, who also heads the 6000 strong Ethereum New York Meetup Community.


Over the last month, there were many minor enhancements to the FYN page based on feedback from our customers & sales team. Some of the key one were

  1. BTC & Fiat Payment options
  2. Single page signup if you are not logged in.

Most of the team is focusing on the the development of the talent marketplace and the expected completion date is expected to be in early Feb.

On the development side, we are actively hiring and we expect to onboard another 2–3 developers over this month to speed up the development progress.

Company Financials

Currently FYN offers a full fledged ICO advisory service, from marketing, legal, technical to fundraising support. Our revenues have been steadily increasing, and we expect to break even in by mar 2018. Note that we have been accepting payment for our services in FYN tokens and will continue to do so.

If you know of anyone that need helps with their project, please email us at contact@fundyourselfnow.com

Our token price is doing well and hit an all time high of about $6.80 a few days ago, almost double of what our price was a month ago.

VinaEX, the crypto-fiat exchange that we partially own, has soft launched and we are expecting a significant amount of revenue to come in from there in the next few months.

We would like to thank all of you for your support so far and we will soar in 2018 together with everyone!

Warmest Regards,


Co-Founder, FundYourselfNow

