Visual Studio Code Extensions to Improve Your Flutter App Development

5 min readApr 20, 2023


Top Visual Studio Code Extensions for Flutter developers

As a Flutter developer, you know how powerful and productive Visual Studio Code (VS Code) can be for writing and debugging your code. But did you know that there are many extensions that can make your VS Code experience even better? In this blog post, I will share some of the best VS Code extensions to help you improve your Flutter app development.

Github Copilot

Github Copilot vs code extension

GitHub Copilot is a VS Code extension that provides code suggestions from an AI pair programmer. It can help you write code faster, stay in the flow longer, and solve problems in new ways. GitHub Copilot is not a replacement for human programmers but a tool to enhance their productivity and creativity.


GitLens vs code extension

GitLens is an extension that provides enhanced Git integration with VS Code. This can be particularly helpful when working with Flutter apps, as you may need to manage multiple branches and versions of your app. GitLens provides features such as code diffing, blame annotations, and branch visualization to help you manage your Git workflow more efficiently.

Flutter Intl

Flutter Intl VS code extension

Flutter Intl is an extension that helps with internationalizing your Flutter app. The extension provides a set of tools that can help you manage and translate your app’s strings to different languages. Flutter Intl allows you to create translation files for each language, and it also provides a user-friendly interface for editing and managing these files.

Awesome Flutter Snippets

Awesome Flutter Snippets vs code extension

Awesome Flutter Snippets is an extension that provides a collection of Flutter code snippets. These snippets can help you write Flutter code faster and more efficiently. The extension includes snippets for common Flutter widgets, such as Text, Image, and Container, as well as snippets for animations, layouts, and other Flutter features.

Flutter Widget Snippets

Flutter Widget Snippets vs code extension

This extension provides another collection of useful snippets for Flutter development in VS Code. These snippets are focused on creating various widgets in Flutter, such as containers, rows, columns, lists, grids, cards, buttons, icons, texts, images, and more. You can also create custom widgets using the `cw` snippet.

Material Icon Theme

Material Icon Theme vs code extension

The Material Icon Theme is an extension that provides icons for your Flutter project files. The extension provides a set of icons designed to help you quickly identify your project files. For example, the extension provides a different icon for Dart files, Flutter widgets, and asset files.

Flutter Tree View

Flutter Tree View VS code extension

Flutter Tree View is an extension that provides a tree view of your Flutter widgets. The extension creates a hierarchy of your Flutter widgets, making it easier to navigate and understand your app’s widget structure. This can be particularly helpful when working on complex Flutter apps with many nested widgets.

Dart Data Class Generator

Dart Data Class Generator vs code extension

Dart Data Class Generator is an extension that generates data classes from your Dart classes. Data classes are a class designed to hold data, and they can be instrumental in Flutter apps for keeping data retrieved from APIs or user input. The extension automatically generates data classes based on existing classes, saving you time and effort.

Pubspec Assist

Pubspec Assist VS code extension

Pubspec Assist is an extension that helps you manage the dependencies for your Flutter project. The extension provides a user-friendly interface for adding, removing, and updating dependencies in your project’s pubspec.yaml file. The extension also provides features like auto-completion and error-checking to help you manage your dependencies more efficiently.

Live Share

Live Share VS code extension

This extension allows you to collaborate with other developers in real-time using VS Code. You can share your workspace with others and edit code together, chat with voice or text messages, debug together, and even share local servers or terminals. You can also join other developers’ sessions and see their code changes live.

Todo Tree

Todo Tree VS code extension

This extension helps you manage your todo comments in your code by showing them in a tree view in the explorer panel. Todo comments are comments that start with `TODO`, `FIXME`, `BUG`, or other keywords that indicate something that needs to be done or fixed in the code. With this extension, you can easily navigate to your todo comments and mark them as done or delete them.

Indent Rainbow

Indent Rainbow VS code extension

This extension helps you visualize the indentation levels in your code by coloring them with different colors. This can help you maintain consistent indentation and improve readability. You can customize the colors and styles of the indentation according to your preferences.

In conclusion, there are many Visual Studio Code extensions available that can help you improve your Flutter app development experience. By using these extensions, you can write code faster, manage your Git workflow more efficiently, and navigate your app’s widget structure more easily.

