AfterPod — Host Domains International

3 min readApr 3, 2018


Continuing the previous article which revealed some knowledge about U.S. hosting domains, this dives deeper into hosting domains in the U.K., Australia, and Brazil. Many noted some previous domain groups, such as, are not really hosting domains… which is true.. they are country designations.

That was the result of a rather simplistic database query and how the domain names were parsed. Even then, this update doesn’t account for network redirects and such… but here is a better view of three international groups that showed up in the original results.

I will also note that no special effort has gone into adding international podcasts to our database and many are surely missing. Given that, you might consider this a preview.


Which reminds me… I need to go back to the U.S. numbers and see exactly how much the NPR contingent accounts for.


Hmm… Raw Voice and Blubrry should be combined as they are the same organization.


Look at this… Blubrry again.

I have previously noticed that .br domains seem to appear in lists more than many other countries. There IS a large Spanish-speaking population around the world, so maybe that helps Brazil rise above most others… or maybe, pound for pound, THEY are the true podcast enthusiasts.

Perhaps we should figure out WHY Brazil stands out and sprinkle a little of that elsewhere?

A pattern:

In each case, about TWO-THIRDS of all podcasts fell into the Top 20. I went back to the last article and it’s about the same there, too. I don’t know what that means, if anything.

I’ll say it again: this is a live database, constantly changing, so the numbers from one period or category may not match up exactly with another. While this collection of data is not complete nor absolutely 100% accurate, I believe it reasonably true and a large enough sample to be representative.

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You may also want to read the first article, which establishes much of the foundation for these views, or the second one that begins to forth our intent to purposefully (and positively) modify podcast consumption behavior.

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