Hemp’s Top 4 Superior Uses — — World’s Most Powerful Plant — In 60 Seconds

Worlds Most Powerful Plant In 60 Seconds

Joseph Powers
Age of Awareness
2 min readDec 2, 2016


Written by: Joe Powers — Publisher at HempWriter.com

What is unknown, will be known, in 60 seconds or less.

In PART ONE we discovered the distinction between power & force.

Since power means everyone wins.

How “specifically” does hemp allow everyone to win?

  1. Hemp allows humans & earth to win because hemp has over 50,000 known uses. (For now. We’ll only focus on the MAIN four uses.)
  2. Hemp can make super healthy food, quickly & easily, that can be grown in all environments from the equator to the arctic. Thus saving people who are dying of starvation. Hemp can make fuel that doesn’t pollute the air we breath. Thus saving our lungs from harmful gasses.
  3. Hemp can make four times more paper than trees. Thus saving our forests from being cut down.
  4. Hemp can make plastic that can dissolve. Thus saving animals from being harmed by plastic and at the same time we are creating biodegradable waste that returns back to nature without piling up in a land fill.

Simply put, Hemp is powerful because hemp is the number one; food, fuel, fiber and plastic.

Hemp is the most power plant in known existence because hemp offers everyone a win win solution by; feeding people everywhere quickly, burning clean fuel, making paper without destroying our forests, and making safe plastic.

Hemp hurts no one and heals everything it touches.

Now we understand why hemp is the most powerful plant in known existence.

Lets move onto part three where we look at how hemp is stronger than steel.

With hemp, everyone gets to win. Earth, humans, society & humanity win with hemp. Every time.

Move on to PART THREE as we continue to explore Why Hemp Is Stronger Than Steel.



Joseph Powers
Age of Awareness

Exploring hemp! Let’s find out what interesting things others are making & discovering from hemp! Publisher at HempWriter.com