Divination Methods

Hermes Astrology
9 min readNov 29, 2023
Divination Methods

What is Divination?

The word “divination” is derived from the Latin word “divinare,” which means “to foresee” or “to be inspired by a god.” The practice is based on the belief that certain signs, symbols, or rituals can reveal information that is not immediately apparent through ordinary means.

There are numerous divination methods and categories, each with its own set of practices and tools. Here’s a broad overview of various divination methods and some categories within those methods:

Cartomancy — Tarot Card Reading: Using a deck of tarot cards with symbolic images to gain insights into past, present, and future events.
Cartomancy — Playing Card Reading: Similar to tarot, but using a standard deck of playing cards.

Numerology: Studying the mystical significance of numbers and their influence on human life.

Runecasting — Runes: Casting or drawing symbols from runic alphabets for divinatory purposes.

Scrying — Crystal Ball Gazing: Staring into a crystal ball to perceive images, symbols, or visions.
Scrying — Water Scrying: Gazing into water, often a reflective surface, to receive insights.

I Ching (Yijing): Using a set of ancient Chinese divination texts and hexagrams to provide guidance.

Geomancy: Interpreting patterns made by casting handfuls of soil, sand, or other materials.

Pendulum Reading: Swinging a pendulum to answer questions or gain insights.

Tasseography — Tea Leaf Reading: Interpreting patterns formed by tea leaves in a cup.

Cleromancy — Casting Lots: Throwing objects like stones or dice and interpreting their positions.

Pyromancy — Scrying by Fire: Gazing into flames to receive visions or insights.

Astragalomancy — Casting Knucklebones: Throwing small bones to make predictions.

Hydromancy — Water Divination: Using water, such as observing its movement, to gain insights.

Aeromancy — Divination by Air: Interpreting atmospheric conditions, especially winds.

Chiromancy — Palmistry: Reading the lines and features of the palm to reveal insights about a person’s character and future.

Necromancy: Communicating with the deceased for divinatory purposes.

Candle Reading — Pyroscopy: Observing the behavior of a burning candle, such as the flame’s movement and the wax’s drippings.

Alectromancy — Divination by Rooster: Observing the behavior of roosters or other birds to predict future events.

Capnomancy — Smoke Divination: Interpreting the shapes and movements of smoke produced by burning incense or other materials.

Ouija Board Reading: Using a board with letters and a planchette to communicate with spirits or receive answers.

Stichomancy—Book Divination: Opening a book randomly and interpreting the first passage or sentence encountered.

Bibliomancy—Divination by Books: Seeking guidance by randomly selecting passages from sacred texts or books such as Veda or Purana, Bible, Qur’an, analects of Confucius, Buddhist sutras, etc.

Dowsing—Dowsing Rods: Using rods or other tools to locate hidden objects, water, or energies.

Auspicy—Bird Watching: Interpreting the behavior and flights of birds to predict future events.

Cromniomancy—Onion Divination: Peeling an onion and interpreting the layers to gain insights.

Cynomancy—Dog Divination: Observing the behavior of dogs for divinatory purposes.

Oomancy—Egg Divination: Interpreting the shapes and patterns formed by egg whites dropped into water.

Crystallomancy—Crystal Reading: Using crystals or gemstones to gain insights into the future.

Divination Methods


Why Divination?

Professor Peter Struck is a scholar who has explored the history and philosophy of divination. He is known for his work on ancient Greek religion and divination practices. According to his perspective, divination methods, such as those used in ancient Greece, were not necessarily about predicting the future in a deterministic sense but rather about engaging the subconscious mind to explore and advance solutions to problems.

In his free course “The Ancient Greeks,” which he teaches on the online learning platform Coursera, Professor Struck discusses how divination practices were often seen as a way to tap into the wisdom of the subconscious mind. The idea was that the symbols, rituals, and processes involved in divination could help individuals access insights and knowledge that might be beyond their immediate conscious awareness.

This aligns with a psychological interpretation of divination, where the process itself, including symbols, rituals, and the act of interpretation, can facilitate a deeper understanding of one’s thoughts, feelings, and concerns. It’s a form of introspection and self-reflection, and the insights gained might not necessarily come from external supernatural sources but from the individual’s own subconscious.

Divination Methods


What is the Subconscious Mind?

The subconscious mind is a concept in psychology that refers to a part of the mind that operates below the level of conscious awareness. It is a reservoir of thoughts, memories, feelings, and urges that are not currently in focal awareness but can influence behavior and thought processes. The subconscious mind plays a crucial role in shaping our perceptions, reactions, and decision-making, often operating in the background without our conscious awareness.

The power of man is the power of the mind. The power of the mind is the power of the subconscious mindJOSEPH MURPHY, The Power of Subconscious Mind

The relationship between the conscious and subconscious mind is complex, and the boundaries between the two are not always well-defined. Various therapeutic approaches, such as psychoanalysis and certain forms of psychotherapy, aim to explore and address issues within the subconscious to promote personal growth and well-being.

Key aspects of the subconscious mind include:

Memory Storage: The subconscious mind is responsible for storing memories, including those that are not immediately accessible to conscious awareness. It holds information from past experiences, learned behaviors, and other cognitive processes.

Automatic Functions: Many bodily functions and processes are regulated by the subconscious mind without conscious effort. This includes activities such as breathing, heartbeat, and digestion.

Emotional Responses: Emotional reactions and responses are often influenced by the subconscious mind. Unconscious beliefs, past experiences, and conditioning can shape emotional reactions to various situations.

Habits and Patterns: The subconscious mind plays a significant role in the formation and maintenance of habits and behavioral patterns. Once a behavior becomes ingrained, the subconscious mind can drive its automatic execution.

Creative Processes: Some theories suggest that the subconscious mind is involved in creative thinking and problem-solving. It can generate ideas and solutions that may not be immediately apparent to the conscious mind.

Dreams: Dreams are often considered a window into the subconscious. During sleep, the subconscious mind may process emotions, memories, and thoughts in symbolic or metaphorical ways.

Learn the Art of Birth Chart Interpretation: https://hermesastrology.substack.com/p/the-art-of-birth-chart-interpretation

Divination Methods

Difference between Divination and Counseling

Divination entails interpreting symbols, believed to offer insights beyond immediate understanding. This interpretative process is often symbolic or metaphorical, where practitioners establish connections between the chosen symbols and posed questions. The guidance provided may necessitate personal interpretation by the seeker and can be applied to gain insights into the present, past, or future.

In contrast, counseling serves the primary purpose of extending support, guidance, and assistance to individuals dealing with personal challenges, emotional issues, or life transitions. It strives to foster mental health, personal development, and overall well-being through interpersonal communication, active listening, and evidence-based therapeutic techniques. The guidance in counseling is rooted in psychological theories and evidence-based practices, with counselors drawing on their training in psychology and counseling. The interpretative focus in counseling centers on understanding psychological and emotional dynamics, with counselors collaborating with individuals through dialogue and reflection to explore and address their issues.

In traditional divination practices, collaboration in the same sense as counseling may not be a central aspect. Divination often involves a practitioner — such as a tarot reader, astrologer, or rune caster — interpreting symbols, signs, or patterns to provide guidance. The seeker, or the person seeking insights, typically plays a more passive role in receiving the interpretation.

Which Divination Method to Use?

Choosing a divination method to engage the subconscious mind can be a personal and intuitive process. Here are some considerations to help you decide which divination method may resonate with you:

Intuition and Attraction:

Trust your intuition. Some divination methods may naturally appeal to you or evoke a sense of curiosity. Explore methods that you feel drawn to or have a genuine interest in.

Cultural or Personal Connection:

Consider your cultural or personal background. Some people find that divination methods from their cultural or spiritual traditions resonate more deeply with them.

Purpose and Questioning:

Clarify the purpose of your divination. Different methods may be better suited for specific types of questions or problems.


Be open to experimentation. You can try out different divination methods to see which one feels most comfortable and yields meaningful insights for you.

Study and Understanding:

Invest time in learning about the chosen method. Understanding the symbolism, meanings, and techniques associated with a divination practice can enhance your ability to interpret the results.

Personal Beliefs:

Consider your personal beliefs and worldview. Some divination methods may align more closely with certain spiritual or philosophical perspectives. Choose a method that aligns with your belief system.


Consider the practical aspects. Some divination methods may require specific tools, such as tarot cards or runes, while others may be more accessible, like meditation or dream analysis.

Comfort Level:

Assess your comfort level. If a particular method makes you uncomfortable or doesn’t resonate with you, it may not be the most effective for your personal exploration.

Divination for Alleviating Anxiety

Many individuals turn to divination to alleviate the intense, immediate anxiety associated with uncertain outcomes, especially those seemingly controlled by external factors. On-the-spot divination methods can provide a sense of reassurance or guidance in moments of doubt or when facing important decisions. Here are some common and simple forms of divination that people might use for quick insights:

Tarot Cards: Drawing a single card or a small spread can offer concise guidance or insight into a specific question. Each card carries symbolic meanings that can be interpreted in the context of the inquiry.

Pendulum: Holding a pendulum and asking yes-or-no questions can be a straightforward way to receive answers. The movement of the pendulum (swinging or circling) is interpreted as a response.

Dice Divination: Rolling dice and interpreting the numbers or symbols can provide a simple and quick answer to a specific question. Different traditions may associate specific meanings with each number.

Coin Flipping: Assigning meanings to “heads” and “tails” and flipping a coin can be a way to make binary decisions. It’s a quick and often lighthearted method for choosing between two options.

Numerology: Assigning significance to specific numbers and quickly calculating or selecting numbers related to the question can offer insights based on numerological interpretations.

These practices are quick, straightforward, and can be performed repeatedly to alleviate anxiety.

Difficulty of Divination Methods

Here’s a list of divination methods ranked from easiest to most difficult:

Bibliomancy: This method involves randomly selecting a book and opening it to a random page. The passage that your eyes land on is then interpreted as a message or prediction. Bibliomancy is a relatively simple method that can be performed by anyone with access to a book.

Cartomancy: This method involves using a deck of cards to tell fortunes. There are many different card spreads and interpretations, but the basic idea is to draw cards and use their meanings to gain insight into the past, present, and future. Cartomancy can be a bit more complex than bibliomancy, but it is still a relatively accessible method.

Numerology: This method involves using numbers to gain insight into a person’s character, personality, and destiny. Numerologists believe that numbers have certain vibrations and energies that can influence our lives. Numerology can be a bit more complex to learn than bibliomancy or cartomancy, but it is still a relatively accessible method.

Investigative Astrology: This method involves studying the positions of the planets and stars at the time of a person’s birth to determine their personality, potential, and life path.

Tarot: This method involves using a deck of 78 cards to tell fortunes. The tarot is a highly symbolic system that can be used to gain insight into all aspects of life. The tarot is one of the most difficult divination methods.

Read also: Tarot vs. Astrology and Astrology vs Psychic Reading



Hermes Astrology

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