Tarot vs. Astrology

Hermes Astrology
4 min readNov 29, 2023
Tarot vs. Astrology

In the vast landscape of divination and mystical practices, Tarot and Astrology stand out as two captivating methods offering insights into the subconscious mind. Both have distinct characteristics, strengths, and applications, making them valuable tools for those seeking guidance or self-discovery. Let’s delve into the pros and cons of Tarot and Astrology, exploring when to use each and for which types of questions.

Tarot vs. Astrology


Tarot: Unveiling the Cards of Insight


Flexibility and Versatility: Tarot cards are incredibly versatile, providing a wide range of interpretations. The symbolism in each card allows for nuanced insights into various aspects of life.

Direct Questioning on the Spot: Tarot stands out in providing immediate answers to specific questions. The cards can be drawn for immediate insights into personal, professional, or relational matters.

Personal Connection: Tarot often involves a personal connection between the reader and the cards. Intuition plays a crucial role, making it a deeply individualized experience.

Storytelling and Narrative: The cards can be laid out in spreads, creating a narrative that unfolds like a story. This storytelling aspect enhances the depth and context of the reading.


Interpretation Complexity: Mastery of Tarot requires learning the meanings of each card, understanding the symbolism, and grasping the interactions between cards. This complexity may be overwhelming for beginners.

Subjectivity: Interpretations can vary based on the reader’s intuition and perspective. Two readers may derive different meanings from the same cards, introducing an element of subjectivity.

Time Sensitivity: Tarot might be more geared towards addressing immediate concerns rather than predicting long-term events. It’s often seen as a tool for gaining insights into the present moment.

Tarot vs. Astrology


Astrology: Navigating the Celestial Tapestry

The astrological reading is thorough, comprehensive, highly rational, and meticulously organized. The preparation for these readings entails several hours of dedicated effort.


Holistic Life View: Astrology provides a comprehensive view of an individual’s life by considering the positions of celestial bodies at the time of birth. It encompasses personality traits, relationships, and potential life paths.

Long-Term Predictions: Astrology is well-suited for long-term predictions and understanding life cycles. Birth charts and horoscopes can offer insights into overarching themes and periods of growth or challenge.

Objective Framework: Astrology follows a systematic and objective framework based on celestial positions. Interpretations are rooted in mathematical calculations and astronomical observations.

Understanding Timing: Astrology can help in understanding the timing of events. Certain planetary transits and progressions are associated with specific influences, aiding in anticipating shifts in life.


Learning Curve: Astrology has a steep learning curve. To interpret birth charts accurately, one must understand the positions of planets, astrological houses, and aspects. This requires time and dedication.

Fixed Birth Data: Birth charts are based on fixed birth data, and while they provide valuable insights, they may not address immediate questions or concerns as directly as Tarot.

Less Personal Connection: Astrology readings may lack the personal, interactive element found in Tarot. Some individuals might find it less emotionally engaging.

Learn the Art of Birth Chart Interpretation: https://hermesastrology.substack.com/p/the-art-of-birth-chart-interpretation

Tarot vs. Astrology

When to Use Each Method and for Which Questions:

Use Tarot When:

Seeking Immediate Answers for Relieving Anxiety: Tarot is ideal for immediate, specific questions, providing insights into the current circumstances or near future.

Exploring Emotional or Relational Matters: The personal and intuitive nature of Tarot makes it well-suited for matters of the heart, relationships, and personal growth.

Desiring a Story or Narrative: If you appreciate a narrative or story-based approach to divination, Tarot’s card spreads offer a dynamic storytelling experience.

Use Astrology When:

Looking for Long-Term Guidance: Astrology excels at providing insights into long-term life patterns, making it suitable for those seeking guidance on life paths, career trajectories, or personal development.

Understanding Life Cycles: Birth charts and horoscopes are invaluable for understanding life cycles, predicting major life events, and identifying periods of growth or challenge.

Exploring Personal Traits: Astrology provides a comprehensive view of an individual’s personality traits, strengths, and potential challenges based on their birth chart.


Ultimately, the choice between Tarot and Astrology depends on personal preferences, the nature of the questions, and the seeker’s comfort level with each method. Tarot offers immediate, emotionally engaging insights into specific situations, while Astrology provides a broader, more systematic perspective on life’s overarching themes. Both, when used judiciously, can be powerful tools for those navigating the mystical realms of the unknown. Whether seeking answers in the shuffle of cards or the alignment of celestial bodies, the journey of divination remains a deeply personal and enlightening exploration.

Read also: Divination Methods and Astrology vs Psychic Reading



Hermes Astrology

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