Most Accurate House System in Astrology

Hermes Astrology
7 min readDec 12, 2023
Most Accurate House System in Astrology

While the position of solar system planets in the 12 constellations of the zodiac is real and observable, the positions of planets in houses have been completely invented by astrologers and are not based on astronomical observations. This is why popular website only provides two main methods for calculating planetary positions in constellations (Tropical and Sidereal), while there are over 20 house systems.

The house system in astrology divides the sky into 12 equal parts, called houses, to map the positions of celestial bodies at the time of a person’s birth. Each house represents a specific area of life and the positions of celestial bodies within these houses are thought to indicate the areas of life that they will influence. All house systems are based on the Ascendant, which is used to determine the first house.

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The Ascendant, also known as the rising sign, is the zodiac sign that was rising on the eastern horizon at the time of a person’s birth. The Ascendant is calculated by finding the point where the ecliptic (the apparent path of the Sun through the sky) intersects with the eastern horizon at the time of birth.

The first house system created by ancient astrologers was the Whole House System. This system considers the entire zodiac sign containing the Ascendant as the first house, with the following sign as the second house, and so on. Each house is assigned a sign in zodiacal order and covers 30 degrees. So in the Whole house system, it does not matter which degree the Ascendant is, that sign will always correspond to the first house.

From the Whole house system, two other house systems have evolved:
The Equal House System. In this system, the first house starts at the exact degree of the Ascendant and last for 30-degree. If the Ascendant is at 17 degree Capricorn, the first house starts there and finish at 17 degree of the following sign (Aquarius). Each house spans 30 degrees of the zodiac. All the planets positioned in this range fall in the first house.

The Vehlow House System. In this system, the Ascendant is exactly in the middle of first house. If the Ascendant is at 17 degree Capricorn, the first house starts 15 degree before (2 degree) and finishes after 15 degree (2 degree Aquarius) Each house spans 30 degrees of the zodiac. All the planets positioned in this range fall in the first house.

The default option chosen by is the Placidus House System which was developed by the 17th-century astrologer Placidus de Tito and is more complex than previous house systems. While the first house starts at the exact degree of the Ascendant like the Equal house system, the other houses may start at different degrees, and each house may have a different size.

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Placidus House System:


Diurnal Motion Consideration: The Placidus house system takes into account the diurnal motion of the planets, reflecting their timing and significance in relation to the horizon.

Emphasis on Angular Houses: The angular houses in the Placidus system hold prominence, offering valuable insights into personal identity, relationships, career, and home life.

Connection to the Horizon: The Ascendant and Descendant in the Placidus system directly relate to the eastern and western horizons, representing the self and the other in relation to the external world.


Unequal House Sizes: One of the main criticisms of the Placidus system is that it can result in significantly unequal house sizes. This can lead to certain houses being much larger or smaller than others, which some astrologers believe can distort the emphasis placed on different life areas.

Challenges at Extreme Latitudes: Near the polar regions, the Placidus system encounters challenges in accurately calculating the house cusps due to the extreme latitudes. This can lead to distorted or impractical house divisions in these regions.

Equal House System


Simplicity and Clarity: The Equal House System is easy to understand and use, making it accessible for beginners and those who prefer a straightforward approach to astrology.

Clear Connection between Signs and Houses: In this system, each sign of the zodiac corresponds directly to a house, establishing a clear link between the characteristics of the signs and the areas of life represented by the houses.


Lack of Precision within a Sign: The Equal House System does not take into account the varying sizes of signs. As a result, planets may not be accurately positioned within the degrees of a sign, potentially affecting the precision of interpretation.

Diminished Angular Emphasis: The Equal House System does not emphasize the angular houses (first, fourth, seventh, and tenth) as strongly as other house systems. Angular houses are considered significant in determining personal identity, relationships, and career, so this may be a limitation for some astrologers.

Vehlow House System


Simplicity: The Vehlow House System, like the Equal House System, offers a straightforward and simple approach to house division, making it easy to understand and use.

Compatibility with Uranian Astrology: The Vehlow system aligns well with the principles and techniques of Uranian astrology, which utilizes hypothetical planets and sensitive points. It allows for the integration of these factors into house interpretation.


Lack of Angular Emphasis: The Vehlow House System does not place strong emphasis on the angular houses (first, fourth, seventh, and tenth). Angular houses are considered significant in determining personal identity, relationships, and career, so this may be a limitation for some astrologers.

Limited Popularity: The Vehlow House System is not widely used or recognized compared to other house systems, which means there may be fewer resources and interpretations available for practitioners.

Porphyry House System


Simplicity: The Porphyry House System is relatively simple to calculate and use. It involves dividing the arc between the Ascendant and the Midheaven into three equal parts, providing a clear and straightforward division of the houses.

Angular Emphasis: The Porphyry system places a strong emphasis on the angular houses, which are believed to be particularly significant in shaping one’s identity, relationships, and career.


Varying House Sizes: Like many other house systems, the Porphyry system can result in varying house sizes. This can lead to differences in the emphasis placed on different areas of life and may affect the accuracy of planetary placements within a house.

Inaccuracy at Higher Latitudes: The Porphyry House System is based on the assumption of a spherical Earth, which can result in less accurate house divisions at higher latitudes. As a result, this system may be less reliable for individuals living in extreme northern or southern latitudes.

Whole House System


Simplicity and Clarity: The Whole Sign House System is straightforward and easy to understand, making it accessible for beginners and those who prefer simplicity in astrology. Each house is represented by an entire sign, simplifying the interpretation process.

Alignment with Sign-Based Interpretation: This system aligns well with a sign-based approach to astrology, where the emphasis is placed on the characteristics and qualities of the signs themselves. It provides a clear link between the signs and the houses.


Diminished Angular Emphasis: The Whole Sign House System does not place as much emphasis on the angular houses (first, fourth, seventh, and tenth) as some other house systems. Angular houses are considered significant in determining personal identity, relationships, and career, so this may be a limitation for some astrologers.


The question of which house system is most accurate has long sparked debate within the astrological community. While some advocate for the universal application of a single system, like Placidus or Whole Sign, others argue for a more nuanced approach, adapting the system based on the individual chart, the type of reading desired, and the astrologer’s specific training and preferences.

For instance, a birth chart with several planets clustered in the first quadrant might benefit from a system like Placidus, which emphasizes the angular houses associated with crucial life domains. Conversely, a chart with a more evenly distributed planetary placement might be better understood using a Whole Sign system, allowing for a more holistic interpretation of each house’s influence.

Furthermore, the type of astrological reading plays a significant role in the selection of a house system. Predictive astrology, focused on forecasting future events, might require a system that accurately delineates the houses governing specific areas of life. In contrast, astropsychological readings, which delve into the inner world of the individual, might benefit from a system that emphasizes the symbolic representation of the houses and their connection to the individual psyche.

A crucial factor in the choice of a house system is the astrologer’s own training and experience. Astrologers trained in specific systems may naturally gravitate towards those familiar methods, utilizing their expertise in interpreting charts within that framework. Additionally, personal preferences and intuition can play a significant role, with some astrologers finding certain systems more resonant with their individual understanding of astrology.

Open-mindedness and a willingness to explore various house systems are essential for astrologers to cultivate. Experimenting with different systems can lead to a deeper understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, ultimately allowing for a more informed and nuanced approach to astrological interpretation.



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