Giant Spacekat Studios — One Last Week

4 min readAug 27, 2016


Good evening, backers and well-wishers. It looks like things are finally moving in a better direction for Giant Spacekat Studios — we actually had a launch date, and moreover, looks like the company is finally on-track to deliver for once. This is obviously due to our willingness to go to Kickstarter for the company’s failure to deliver, and it finally looks like Revolution 60 will be coming to Steam at long last, mostly because we pressured the company to finally get its content out the door.

This wouldn’t be possible without all of you who participated in making your voices heard and getting the word out.

By far the biggest lie told by Giant Spacekat Studios.

This, again, is great news, though it’s easy to be worried given the company’s long-standing history of missing and ignoring release dates. In her recent posts on Twitter and on Kickstarter, Brianna Wu, the head of Giant Spacekat Studios, finally put up a series of posts indicating, publicly, and on the Kickstarter page itself, that the game is officially complete, and will be launched for both PC and IOS on September 6th, 2016:

Years in the making, and all we wanted was to enjoy this on a non-IOS platform

It’s worth noting that the video in this trailer is actually the same one I mentioned in my last article which presented the March release date. The only difference is that the text “this March” Has been omitted from the new trailer.

This said, it does nicely show off the improved visuals and a large number of fixes the game had from the IOS version. What immediately pops out at readers in this update, of course, is Brianna Wu once again blaming this project’s countless delays on trolls online. We’ve been over why this makes absolutely no sense twice now. With that in mind, let’s see what else Brianna has to say in the update immediately following this:

Wu blames the game’s delays on the changed outfits — but they were done in 2015…..

Brianna Wu does raise a few legitimate reasons for delays in this batch. Remodeling everything from scratch is a major time sink, especially given that the bulk of her staff left the company after the IOS version launched in 2014. Even Amanda Warner left the company back in May of 2016.


Where this argument hits a snag is that things like this re-done hallway scene were completed almost a year ago. The date of this video is right there on the vimeo page, and Brianna Wu’s been showing off the improved assets of the Special Edition of the game since early 2015. We know that these models were already done, so what we’re seeing is a lot of blowing smoke about what the actual cause of the delays are.

Let’s keep going and see the third and final update Brianna Wu gave on Kickstarter:

Definite improvements — but there’s one small problem…

This nicely does show off the new assets, with only one issue: They’re all old content. Half of them are screen-grabs from the trailer that was just posted in that first update. Which, as we’ve discussed previously, went up on Brianna Wu’s Vimeo back in February, and was taken down when Giant Spacekat missed the March release date. The first takes place at 28 seconds. The fourth screenshot takes place at five seconds in.

The other half? They were already shown on Brianna Wu’s Twitter previously:

Note that these hit Wu’s Twitter six months ago.

Knowing that this was the same trailer that went up in February with some minor edits, the fact that the other screenshots were already put up on Brianna Wu’s personal Twitter months ago, and given Giant Spacekat’s long history of missing deadlines, I’m afraid that it’s not possible to simply take GSX’s word that it intends to get the game out by September 6th.

When this began, and the backers started asking questions, we decided that Giant Spacekat had until August 31st to get the game out before we intended to report the company to Kickstarter.

I, and many other backers, are more than willing to extend that by one last week, if it means we actually get the game out and on Steam where everyone can enjoy it.

But this one week is all Giant Spacekat gets.

These people trusted you, Brianna Wu. Do not disappoint them.

We have waited for over two years now, over half-a-dozen failed release dates, dozens of claims that the game was in a state of impending launch, and through too many lies to believe Giant Spacekat Studios has any intention of getting this game out until it’s out and on Steam for everyone on PC and Mac to play.

