Geological Wonders: The Fjords Explained

⛰️From Glaciers to Valleys: Tracing the Geological Evolution

3 min readJun 17, 2023
Photo by Robert Bye on Unsplash

The world’s longest known Fjord, some 350 kilometers long, is located in Greenland.

Fjord comes from the Old Norse “fjorör”, meaning “narrow valley” or “inlet

Indeed, Fjords are geological formations, characterized by their U-shape, bordered by high cliffs or steep mountains.

The sea has submerged the bottom, causing the presence of salt water.
They are the result of glacial erosion in high-latitude coastal regions.

Let’s Review the Process: Water, Climate, and Time

Milford Sound, New Zeland

Some Fjords have expanded by as much as twenty kilometers in recent decades due to melting ice.

At first, the glacier moves in, digs, and fills the valley during Glacial Periods, The weight of the ice creates subsidence. This means that the ground sinks locally below sea level.

This subsidence sets the stage for what happens next. When interglacial periods occur, and temperatures rise, the ice melts and leaves the valley.

As the ground is below sea level, water can submerge the valley, forming what’s known as a Fjord.

Impacts on Ecosystems

Geirangerfjord, Norway

Norwegian Fjords host around 90% of all known marine species.


Fjords are privileged places for wildlife reproduction. Indeed, the valley provides salt water for marine fauna and protection from currents and sea waves.

Secondly, the rivers in the surrounding mountains provide many beneficial nutrients for the species’ feeding.

All these advantages create excellent migration routes for fish, mammals, and even birds.

Human life:

For us, Fjords has three major roles:

  • Fishing: The wealth of wildlife in these areas makes them very attractive to the local population.
  • Navigation path: Fjords can be used as a navigation path to bring ships inland and supply towns far from the coast.
  • Coastal Protection: Its protection from the waves of the sea has made it an ideal location to face one of the major challenges of the 21st century.

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I've dedicated 5 years to studying Natural Disasters. I like to explain the whys and hows of events so everyone can know how to react when needed.