Geological Wonders: The Geyser Explained

⛲How Pressure Builds and Releases in Explosive Style

3 min readJun 21, 2023
Photo by Kameron Kincade on Unsplash

The Waimangu Geyser in New Zealand has a water temperature that can exceed 200°C.

Geysers are geological formations that spurt hot groundwater into the air from time to time.

The period between two events can range from a few minutes (4–8 min for the Waimangu Geyser, New Zealand) to a few years (Erratic Geysers), and the height of the spurt from a few centimeters to a few meters (120m for the Steamboat Geyser, Yellowstone).

Hot springs of Geysers have been utilized for centuries, serving as valuable sources of hot water for various domestic activities such as bathing and cooking.

These were the first steps toward today’s geothermal technology.

Geysers are generally located in volcanic regions, where groundwater can be heated to high temperatures.

A Combination of Pressure, Heat, and Water

Strokkur Geyser, Iceland

First, we need to debunk a belief about groundwater. We may think of groundwater as buried lakes. In reality, it’s water that lies between the grains of soil, in small cracks.

There are different types of groundwater, but for Geysers (and for our drinking water supply, by the way), we focus on what’s called unconfined water.

This unconfided water can rise to the surface under external factors.

The Geyser Cycle Described in 6 Steps:

  1. There are groundwater reservoirs in a volcanic area.
  2. The heat from a nearby magma chamber heats up groundwater. They can reach over 100°C (212°F) due to the pressure.
  3. The dilatation of the water molecules occurs. (i.e., as the temperature rises, the water molecules become agitated and occupy a larger space)
  4. With increased pressure, the water can only flow into available spaces, such as cracks in the ground, and finally rise to the surface.
  5. When the pressure becomes strong enough, the water erupts from the surface in a spectacular display.
  6. The geyser then enters a period of rest and recharges until the next eruption event.
Animation of the Geyser process
Geyser process

Some of the Ecological Impacts of Geysers

Evidence suggests the existence of geysers on Saturn’s moon Enceladus. These geysers eject water vapor and ice into space.


The hot water and dry environment around Geysers are hostile and extreme.

However, with its warm water and rich nutrients, it’s the ideal habitat for specific bacteria. These are vital to the ecosystem, as they are considered to be at the base of the food chain.

These bacteria are considered to be the first living beings to have arrived on our planet 3.5 billion years ago, except that it was in hydrothermal vents at the bottom of the ocean at the time.


These released minerals also have a beneficial effect on the surrounding land. As an area close to a volcano, the land is more fertile than elsewhere.

This land can be used for our agriculture if we can find places with the right temperature and CO2 exposure.

Thank you for your time!




Earth’s forces are untamable — best we learn to coexist 📘 Author of The Essential Guide Through Nature's Fury