Turn Down for What? ( 5 Things in life You should always Go Big on!

7 min readJul 31, 2022


It all started with DJ Snake and Lil Jon

Do you still remember the song “turn down for what”, by DJ Snake and Lil Jon?

Yes or no?

Yup. It’s probably an old song by todays standard, but back in 2014/2015 this song was a massive banger. I bet you probably couldn’t go far without hearing it played on the radio.

I know: It’s a lame song, weird song, but at the same time, it’s also a catchy song, a fun song due to its simple yet effective beat.

All in all, it was definitely a big hit, especially during that EDM-boom-era.


So what has it to do with anything Wikan?”

Well, Thank you for asking.

Despite its cheesy music, in which Lil Jon practically shouting

turn down for what

for about 400 times in 80% of the song, I couldn’t help but thinking that it has deeper meaning than what the society deems it to be.

I know, bare with me. I think the song was trying to address the most, if not the most important problem affecting humanity nowadays.

And that is the fear of dreaming big in life!

Why I think so?

You are probably thinking:

“Don’t get it twisted

It’s just a song”

If the song is telling us is okay to turn up your music, despite to the annoyance of your neighbor — isn’t that also can be applied to some aspects in our life, right?

So without further ado, let’s find out some of the things in life you should (probably) not be afraid to take it up a notch — just like the song.

Turn Down for What #1: your dream

“The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.”


Without trying to sound like Tony Robbins (which can easily happen sometimes), your dream is the one thing you should always go big on.

The magic of thinking big is not a lie guys — it’s a real deal.

To be on the top, you have to dream big and possess maximum ambition, and people might look at you weird because of that.

That’s fine.

This is your chance. The moment to set you apart from the rest.

Let me give you an example, so I’m not risking to sound like Tony Robbins.

I never wanted to curb my dream in any way. I deserve to dream big regardless of my current situation.

If you are following my story from the first you know that I became blind at 13, yet I won’t let that become a deterrent from achieving success in life. I will not tone down the aspect of my dream just because the situation I had to deal with in the pass.

And you should not either!

Luckily though, I don’t dream to become an air controller or Formula 1 racer, or else that would be complicated.

The question:

  • Have I already achieve my dream? Not yet.
  • Am I still working on it every day? Yes.

It could be your professional journey, your passion about painting, traveling, writing books, or wanting to be a food stylish designer — please wear it like a badge of honor.

Never mute your passion. Whether you will make it or not, it’s a story for another day.

Turn Down for What #2: your financial goal

I still remember the day my friend yelled at me:

what the hell is wrong with you? That is a stupid number!”

When I said I just want to acquire 70k by the age of 30.

Wait. I know. Hear me out.

After all I live in Indonesia so 70k is a huge money relative to our inflating ballooning currency.

Plus my friend was (kind of ) a business man. So the perception about money might be a bit different between him and I.

At least, that was what I tried to believe in.

However, after doing some thinking in my small and dingy room, I then came to a conclusion: the goal is not actually inspiring enough!

Frankly, I wasn’t motivated to chase my financial goal — because no matter what happen I know I’d be able to get it (eventually).

Thus, it was not stimulating enough for me to put in the hard work.

I wasn’t aiming big. I wasn’t able to see pass over the sky to the stars.

To much self-doubt in me.

I kept saying: there was no way this Balinese guy could reach financial wealth in life.

Hence, I surrendered to dream small.

But once I escaped from that limiting belief, I started to think: “how about 1 Million US$? 3 Mil? 4 mil?


The sky’s the limit.

And soon it then transformed from just wanting to reach 70k by the age 30; now I want to accumulate financial wealth so that I can have freedom to do the things that I am inspired to do, and inspiring other people in the process.

That’s a bigger and more abstract financial purpose. It’s unlimited now. Because the goals is to not fulfil my needs and wants, but to use that wealth to inspire others.

As a result, you will have more work rate, energy and bigger motivation and responsibility to accomplish that mission.


Big financial goal= more motivation, work rate and responsibilities

Turn down for What #3: Social Circle

As a person with disability, I use to hang out with my fellow disability friends who were like to do the following things:

  • Love to play victim with their D card aka disability for everything
  • Always wait for a handout from people
  • Say that they want more equality, but keep insisting for government benefit for everything
  • Never take personal accountability for everything

Now, I would be a hypocrite to claim I didn’t do those things back in the days myself. God, I was freaking guilty of doing these in the pass.

But the difference: I realized it fast enough.

The more I hang out with people with limiting self belief and victimhood mentallity, the more I drew myself away from the best version of me. Hence, I started distancing myself from those people.

Remember when you start improving yourself, and narrow your circle to those who are also wanting to improve, you will often hear:

“you are uncool man,

You are no fun

Relax man, life is short. Have fun”

Because life is short you want to surround yourself with people that will build you up. Not break you down.

Bottom Line:

Choose your social circle carefully. Always invest big on the quality of your friends, because that will really determine your future.

Turn Down for What #4: Influential Power

Let’s face it, money is great.

But money alone won’t solve your Problem. Especially the problem of feeling important and appreciated in this world (Maslow’s Hierarchy).

I think beyond money and personal achievement, there is a greater feeling to be able to change people’s life based on your action, word, or your creation.

“ go full turbo on your influential power to change your environment, people and world around you!”

It’s clearly will be a legacy that will be remembered by other people, even if you are no longer alive.

Now, start embracing your power to change your community by either sharing your:

  1. Writing
  2. Valuable twits
  3. Cause online
  4. And other activities you can start to drive changes in society

World needs more and more leader. Everybody got a voice to share and to fight for. Do not mute this power in you. Unleash it to start making changes in your environment. Many people will thank you for that later.

Turn Down for What #5: lifestyle

What I am referring as a lifestyle here can encompass many things:

  • Health
  • Food you eat
  • Neighborhood you live in
  • Kind of vacation you take
  • And various bunch of stuff that we call “good life”

Let me tell you quick story.

I was once given a chance to stay at 5 stars hotel somewhere in Indonesia for a government forum (only once though unfortunately).

My first impression was: god I was blown away!

The hotel facilities were outstanding. I really felt like I was a king. Even just for short period of time.

“so are you saying we have to stay at 5 stars hotel to live nice life?”

No. unless I want to go bankrupt.

What I’m trying to say is: it’s nice to have nice things in life.

It’s nice to just soak in a hot tub after a long cold day at work; it’s nice to have good healthy breakfast every morning; it’s nice to have fresh greenery air at the tip of your window — all of us dream of beautiful things in life.

Obviously, the definition of a “good life” will be varied for most people.

But one thing for sure: focus on the nice things that will preserve your energy, health, and time. That’s are the things we should not go small on.


Don’t be scared of dreaming it big. We work hard to avoid pain and misery because we also dream of comfort. Make that “good life” picture planted in your brain to drive you further in life.

Closing Thought

You may not like the song. But if you can turn it up a notch, just like when you are listening to your favorite beat on SPOTIFY, why don’t you also do the same thing to your life? At the end of the day, it’s part of who you are. SO crank it up! Go full turbo on it my friends!

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A Blind Man from Bali | I'm writing about self-improvement, mindset, and life through the lens of a blind person.