5 Spiritual Life Lessons I Experienced (Part 2):

Topics: Distorted Beliefs | Authentic Listening | All Paths Are Valid | Unconscious Emotions | Letting Go of Outdated Beliefs

Intrinsic Wizard
8 min readMar 10, 2024

Please Consider: Writing is one of my diversely growing passions I am exploring further, which helps me reconcile, crystallise, and alchemise my past, present, and future versions of myself. While the written language can be quite restrictive with describing the deeper aspects of life, I am flowing through this barrier with the desire to simplify and find a more grounded awareness, which can be received by casting spells through the power of the written language. My writings are a perspective and interpretation of my current Life Experiences and full circle journeys I have completed, obtaining my own Knowledge and Wisdom from within. This Knowledge and Wisdom may at times mirror and reinforce other’s revelations, and other times challenge or deconstruct those views. They are by no means the Ultimate Truth of everything, as I perceive no one person or group in this Human Existence can obtain this through a conscious perspective that is described through the limits of language. However, my writings are still relevant and valid as they convey an Authentic Truth based on my own personal experiences and journeying through life during this time. They act as stepping stones, which may be of benefit to you, continually Evolving as I grow and transform.

These articles and writings I share can be a lot of information for people to absorb in their entirety. At times they may be ambitious and challenging, while other times they may resonate and stir something deep within yourself. They work at a multi-dimensional level with not only your Mind, but also speak to your Soul and Body, if you are willing to connect and feel it all at once. In this modern age many do not have the patience to read longer writings, so I have condensed my core Spiritual Life Lessons into bite sizes for easier navigation. If any of them intrigue you or perplex you, then you are very welcome to dive deeper and unpack them further, exploring the more in depth written article piece related to that particular life lesson. Whether you agree, or see right or wrong in them in this moment is not so important, as their core intent and purpose is to be a catalyst to open our Consciousness to consider new perspectives, connect us more to our Spirit by following our Intuitive Heart, and to find ways to be more Present and Embodied in this human existence, to aid us in our own unique personal growth and evolution, as we journey through this life.

5 Spiritual Life Lessons

1. Beliefs and opinions are usually formed and chosen to either cover up or reinforce my underlying fears, insecurities, and wounds. They are those things to which I want to be true and I desire to be right, to make myself feel better and safer. But ultimately, they are uncertain and illusions. Beliefs and opinions are distorted by a filtered subconscious lens of my past traumas, conditioning, and programming. I do not know they are true, unless they become my lived experiences, and evolve into a true-inner knowing overtime, through a clearer, more integrated conscious lens.

Distorted Subconscious Beliefs 🔎 | Integrated Experiences 💠 | Clearer Conscious Knowing 🧙‍♂

Explore Further in Article: To Believe or Not To Believe: Our Attachment to Beliefs Are Getting in the Way of Our Natural Evolution

2. Discussing with others from our direct experience alone, without any unconscious bias from our beliefs and past conditioning, ensures we speak the truth from our authentic selves. What if we could also listen to another without blindly adopting all of their opinions and viewpoint through belief? Instead we observed them, attentively listened and felt into their words, connected with them through compassion and empathy, and then completely let it all go at the end of the exchange. For any true wisdom will naturally grow from within us in its own time, from the seeds planted through others.

Unconscious Bias ⛔ | Authentic Listening👂| Growing Wisdom 🌱

Explore Further in Article: An Existential Crisis Can Lead to Spiritual Seeking Delusions

3. No one's choices and experiences in life are better than another's. No one's path is more right, and truer than someone elses. No one's religions, science, atheism, or spirituality is the only truth, the only way, the only answer. For they are all valid and relevant to the individual person experiencing them. It is a path they choose to traverse during this time for their own evolution. Their experiences on this path are just as unique, rich, and abundant in opportunities to grow, than anyone else's. Some people's lives will be more business oriented, family focused, health & fitness prioritised, materialism inclined, or religious, while others may choose their life to be more creative, holistic, spiritual, open minded, or more immersed in the non-physical realms. In the end all these different paths we choose for ourselves are constructs to make it easier for us to explore our current life through. We always have the choice to remain in them, or move on and explore different constructs already existing, for our own personal development and growth. Furthermore, we may just be ready to create our very own construct, never experienced before that embodies our evolving Eternal Nature. A new paradigm that moves beyond traditional, cultural, and pre-existing ways of being. The choice is always yours in the end.

Choose your Path 🐙 | All Paths are Valid & Unique ✅ | All Paths are Rich & Abundant in Opportunities 🎉

Explore Further in Article: Why Does A Simple Life Take Immense Courage?

4. Unconscious Emotions are energies trapped in time within our bodies wishing to be experienced and felt at the mental, spiritual, and physical level, so they can finally be validated and released. They are emotionally charged feelings and often forgotten memories that we were not able to handle at the time of a past trauma / wound, which has now been triggered by a similar present circumstance. The suppression of this particular emotion was our own coping mechanism during that time to keep us safe, which ended up forming an aspect of our personality traits. Shadow Emotions provide us an opportunity to become more Emotionally Intelligent by slowing down and being more present to their core feeling, to allow that forgotten Energy to be felt, so it can finally flow in Motion, without unconsciously projecting this often uncomfortable triggered state onto another by making them responsible, or believing this past feeling and story is still true to my current life. If we don't allow these emotions to be completely experienced at all levels, they will continue to unconsciously haunt us, until we are at long last ready to accept, validate, feel, and let them go, so we can grow and transform from a past version of ourselves connected to that unique emotion.

Unconscious Emotions 😮😠😢 | Energies Trapped in Time 🔃⏰ | Ready to Release in Motion 🎆🥰

Explore Further in Article: The Shadow of Nihilism

5. As we individually evolve at our own pace, our beliefs and truth will organically progress and change overtime. Unless we remain attached to our doctrines, dogmas, ideologies, and belief systems of the past, will we eventually be lead down the path of our own suffering. This is due to the fact that our current challenges and problems in life will ultimately be in direct contradiction, opposition, and resistance to these outdated beliefs. Our beliefs and truths at the time become nothing more than stepping stones, constantly evolving and changing when we are able to harmoniously let them go. They have served their intention and purpose to provide us with an anchor, a mental construct that we were needing in that moment to safely navigate through this stage of our evolution, until we are ready to move beyond. It is okay in the end to not know or have all the answers in life, and instead to be authentically humble to its greater mystery.

Outdated Beliefs 🤔 | Letting Go 🔥 | Authentically Humble 😸

Explore Further in Article: To Believe or Not To Believe: Our Attachment to Beliefs Are Getting in the Way of Our Natural Evolution

Bonus 5 Spiritual Life Lessons

1. My consciousness, thoughts, emotions, feelings, subconscious aspects, energies, intentions, and actions contribute to my overall experienced reality, and shape the events in my life. What happens in my microcosm, impacts the macrocosm.

As above, so below 🌏 | As within, so without 🤹 | As the Universe, so the Soul 🌌

2. Anticipation and expectations in our life can be a form of unhealthy control. A coping mechanism to cover our anxieties and fears of the unknown stemming from our past traumas. By needing to anticipate, plan, and predict every step of our future and always preferring to experience the familiar, will stagnate our life and block our feelings, emotions, and energies from flowing in the present moment. We may be led down a less authentic path as a result, and miss out on experiencing nuggets of gold, opportunities to learn from and grow, and natural states of abundance, joy, and harmony in the now.

Anticipation / Expectations 🚫 | Surrender Control 🍃 | Flowing Joy 🥰

3. I am the ultimate responsibility and authority over my creations and experienced reality. I have a relationship with everything, to Co-Create with others, with Compassion, Respect, and Integrity. To treat others as I would like to be treated. To not harm, violate, coerce, steal from, or manipulate another being, including their external properties, and internal boundaries, emotions, and free will.

Creative Responsibility 🎨 | Compassion 💟 | Integrity 🕊️

4. We should embrace our conscious egos, s­­haring our unique genius, creativity, experiences and wisdom from within. Co-creating together in harmony, singing our individual Soul songs as part of this great Universal Symphony and tapestry of life, we are all partaking in and connected with.

Aware Ego 💭🐻 | Co-Creation 🌏🖌️ | Universal Symphony 🌌🎶

5. When you become wholly present to your life and yourself, it is unavoidable to experience a broken heart many times over. To be cracked wide open to reveal your vulnerability and innocence. Instead of distracting ourselves with addictions and coping mechanisms, we experience a deeper intimacy with life. We experience it all, the highs and the lows, the joys and the terrors, the beauty and the pain it all brings. The everything that life is, the all that it is, altogether, all at once. If we attempt to avoid the negative aspects of life, we cut ourselves off from the joyful aspects also. To be truly alive means we must show up to our lives. To be all in. We need to have the courage to simply be all of who we really are. It is easy to judge and reject the negative aspects of humanity as something separate from ourselves, that we want to avoid or escape from the matrix of our enslavement by the powers that be. And yet the true Latin meaning for the word ‘Matrix’ is in fact ‘Womb’. It is a place of creation, where beyond the illusion of fear and separation from our true selves it keeps us safe, so we can slowly remember and continue growing, until we are ready for our rebirth to wherever is next for us. It is a Matrix far greater than a prison of our enslavement. It is rather Cosmic and Universal in Nature. It is a construct and catalyst we are needing at this time, so we can transform and evolve in this Earthly Womb, beyond what we have ever been.

Presence 🧘‍♂️ | Vulnerability 🐣 | Transformation ☯️

Explore Further in Article: An Existential Crisis Can Lead to Spiritual Seeking Delusions



Intrinsic Wizard

Spiritual Seeker to find Truth & Meaning to Life that is all-encompassing of Humanities varied beliefs & ideas, while also being open to our Evolution beyond.