To Believe or Not To Believe:

Our Attachment to Beliefs Are Getting in the Way of Our Natural Evolution

Intrinsic Wizard
6 min readJun 20, 2023

We live in an unprecedented time where opinions and beliefs are rapidly shared through the internet. With advancing technologies everything is now available at our fingertips. You can instantly find self-created spiritual guru’s, experts, influencers, and coaches on social media with all the answers. Then you have the larger more mainstream religious, educational, scientific, political, and media institutions all competing for your attention. With so many contradictory beliefs and information being shared in this current moment, it is easy to become overwhelmed and lose sight of who you really are, and what is your Authentic Truth.

As humanity gradually evolves and our awareness expands further it becomes clearer, beyond the veil, there are many things deliberately hidden to most of our society. A lot of manipulations, social engineering, and deceptions to navigate through, creating endless division, contradiction, and mass confusion. There are many layers of indoctrination and cultural conditioning to shed, whereby the one who is on this path eventually reaches a point where they question their beliefs and their very own existence itself.

During this Awakening journey we typically develop a Spiritual Ego to some degree who now has all the answers, and often believes they are more righteous than the everyday person. A false-light spiritual identity that likes to believe it can solve life’s many problems and can foresee the future. An aspect that loves to bypass many of its shadows, demons, wounds, or situations furthermore that are deemed unworthy of its time and attention, or is a threat to its ongoing existence. Though inevitably this Spiritual Ego of ours becomes caught in its very own delusion, and will face the humility of its errors, each step of the way, and every layer at a time. If you observe and feel into each individual perspective and belief, you discover overtime that no one person or group has all the answers, or completely knows all that is going on in this life, or what is clearly going to happen next for that matter. If any group or person believes and promotes themselves as having all these answers, then they are operating under the very own delusion of their Spiritual Ego, and holding their false-identity to their marketing ploy. For the greater mystery of this life still continues on and perhaps isn’t meant to be entirely solved and known through a conscious mind, belief system, or perspective.

Beliefs and opinions are usually formed and chosen to cover up or reinforce our underlying fears, insecurities, and wounds. They are those things to which we want to be true and we desire to be right, to make us feel better and safer. But ultimately, they are uncertain and illusions. Beliefs and opinions are distorted by a filtered subconscious lens of our past traumas, conditioning, and programming. We do not know they are true, unless they become our lived experiences, and evolve into a true-inner knowing overtime, through a clearer, more integrated conscious lens.

How would our society evolve if we only shared to others from our direct experience alone, without any unconscious bias from our beliefs and past conditioning? What if we were able to listen to another without blindly adopting all of their opinions and viewpoint through belief? Instead we observed them, attentively listened and felt into their words, connected with them through compassion and empathy, and then completely let it all go at the end of the exchange. For any true wisdom will naturally grow from within us in its own time, from the seeds planted through others. Overtime, we can let go of beliefs altogether and experience for ourselves that which comes to us through Passion, Curiosity, Synchronicity, and Presence, to cultivate our own unique knowledge, truth, and Wisdom from this inner-space.

As we all individually continue to evolve at our own pace, our beliefs and truth will organically progress and change overtime. Unless we remain attached to our doctrines, dogmas, ideologies, and belief systems of the past, will we eventually be lead down the path of our own suffering. This is due to the fact that our current challenges and problems in life will ultimately be in direct contradiction, opposition, and resistance to these outdated beliefs. Our beliefs and truths at the time become nothing more than stepping stones, constantly evolving and changing when we are able to harmoniously let them go. They have served their intention and purpose to provide us with an anchor, a mental construct that we were needing in that moment to safely navigate through this stage of our evolution, until we are ready to move beyond. Perhaps it is okay in the end to not know or have all the answers in life, and instead to be authentically humble to its greater mystery.

It appears as if our reality is going through a natural deconstruction, as another cycle comes to a close. This old paradigm we are in has reached its evolutionary peak with humanity, and we are no longer a match to this old way of life. We can continue to be attached to this old paradigm of control, competition, hierarchy, consumerism, addiction, separation, fear, worship, and remain obsessed, wanting to know how will it slowly breakdown each layer at a time, and inevitably come to an end. Becoming caught in the endless rabbit holes of its demise, or being its very own gatekeepers trying to hold onto its last remnants. This will only lead us to more and more suffering if we choose either of these, as we continue to feed this old paradigm and we are unable to detach from it. Alternatively, we can completely let go of it all and let it fade away, focusing instead on creating the new paradigm through reconnecting with our Eternal Nature. By surrendering and being vulnerable to our essence, we can trust the aspect within us that has always been, and will always be. The part of us that has never been created. This is a moving on from any of our co-dependent, victimhood, righteousness, worshipping, and narcissistic states, towards taking full responsibility and ownership of our lives, reclaiming our Spirit’s True Sovereignty, Liberation, and Freedom.

Our Eternal Nature has no interest in what our stagnant beliefs are, or our attachment to our past stories, as they only get in the way and have no inherent meaning to our natural flow of life and unfoldment. Rather the essence of our Eternal Nature desires for us to keep growing and evolving, integrating with all of our shadow and light aspects, integrating our heart with our consciousness and bodily instincts, so we can live a life that is truest to ourselves and our deepest dreams. For us to s­­hare with each other our unique Creative Genius, experiences, and Wisdom cultivated from within. Through this we can Co-Create a new reality together in harmony, singing our individual Soul song as part of this great Universal Symphony and tapestry of life, we are all partaking in and connected with.



Intrinsic Wizard

Spiritual Seeker to find Truth & Meaning to Life that is all-encompassing of Humanities varied beliefs & ideas, while also being open to our Evolution beyond.