Are Out-of-Body Experiences Just Dreams?

Intrinsic Wizard
9 min readJun 14, 2023


I have been pondering this question after waking in the early hours several years ago, feeling intense waves of vibration passing through my body, and a strong ringing in my ears. Not long after I found myself floating above my bed wondering what the hell was going on? Since then I have been researching this phenomenon and only more recently, have I been ready to really explore this state of being within myself. Out-of-Body Experiences (OBE’s), also known as Astral Projection, is the process of separating one’s conscious awareness from their physical body. Esoterically, Astral Projection (Travel) is the intentional OBE, where it is believed there exists a subtle ‘body of light’ called an ‘astral body’ through which consciousness can function separately from the physical body, and travel throughout the astral plane (non-physical reality).

Limitations in Science:

Although Science previously described this phenomenon as pseudoscience, and medical establishments viewed this occurrence as a person who has a particular medical or psychological condition. It is now clear to many that Science has become trapped in its very own Dogma and Scientism limited to the physical senses, and an outdated Newtonian & Darwinism Model.

Mainstream Culture & OBE’s:

However, despite this a numerous amount of people experience OBE’s / Astral Projection, and have been doing so from the beginning of recorded history. Its popularity has even entered mainstream culture with the release of the Netflix TV series: ‘Behind Her Eyes’, and the Marvel Movies involving Doctor Strange. The growing awareness and commonality of out-of-body experiences has forced mainstream science to change its definition, where they currently describe this phenomenon as a Wake-initiated Lucid Dream (WILD).

CIA’s connection to OBE’s:

You may be interested to discover the CIA has been interested in OBE’s / Astral Projection since the early 1980’s, whereby they researched and worked very closely with The Monroe Institute and The Gateway Experience. The documentation on their research and findings has now been declassified for you to read. There is also a now banned TED Talk video of physicist Russel Targ’s involvement with the CIA exploring telepathy and remote viewing (a specific type of OBE) used for military intelligence operations.

Near Death Experiences are very similar to OBE’s:

Then you have the countless number of Near Death Experiences (NDE’s) as various individuals have reported and documented, which replicate and mirror the OBE / Astral Projection described phenomenon. One of the more recent and substantial NDE’s is from Anita Moorjani, who was in hospital on her death bed with advanced stages of cancer. In a coma she left her body and ventured into this non-physical realm, with expanded awareness, non-linear peripheral viewing, and a timeless state of being that was more real than real. Many of the occurrences and abilities revealed by Anita, while in this state, are very similar to the countless reported OBE’s. After Anita met with her father in this afterlife realm, she uncovered the reason behind why her cancer developed out of fear. When she was ready to reclaim her power and live her life true to herself, she woke up from the coma. Anita’s tumours shrank by about 70% within four days, and within weeks she was released from hospital cancer-free. She continues to share her story and experiences to this day.

Pioneers of OBE’s:

After researching the likes of pioneers in out-of-body experiences such as Robert Monroe and William Buhlman, as well as uncovering a diverse range of individuals who have journeyed into this realm, I was able to overcome my fear and explore this further within myself. I discovered this is something that all of us are able to do and achieve. In fact, many of us are already doing this in our sleep unconsciously. The difference is bringing our conscious awareness into the experience and taking control of the drivers’ seat. Have you ever experienced the sensation of falling back into your body while drifting to sleep? That is experienced when you become consciously aware just before you re-enter your physical body and awaken. Have you ever had sleep paralysis? This occurs in the hypnagogic state (Mind Awake Body Asleep) where often people’s fears get the better of them and they can have a more negative experience. People commonly report seeing and/or hearing other entities, alien encounters and so forth, while being frozen in bed, unable to move or speak. However, by reclaiming your power whilst in this state and moving beyond the fear-barrier, you are only 2 steps away from having an insightful out-of-body experience.

My first initiated OBE:

After several months preparing myself for my first initiated OBE / Astral Projection / WILD, I was able to finally achieve this. The first occurrence was initiated whilst awake in the early hours of the morning, after our smoke alarm went off (false alarm). Other occurrences since then have also happened while I woke up from a Lucid Dream. Lucid Dreaming is when you become conscious you are in a dream, as you traverse the dreamscape of your sub-conscious mind. You are still limited to the dreamscape unless you become fully conscious, whereby you wake up out of the dream whilst in the hypnagogic state. The familiar intense wave of vibrations then occurred for me, as my conscious awareness moved from my physical to my non-physical body. I was then able to will myself out of my body and explore floating around. I have been able to experience this out-of-body state most weeks, at the moment of writing this. I will not describe these experiences in detail in this article, although I will continue to share my discoveries and ongoing learnings from this state in future moments.

I will confirm that out-of-body experiences can appear more real than real, where you have your complete conscious awareness with you the whole time. My non-physical body is currently identical to my physical, and is solid to touch. Though it can move through walls and doors, and fly around if desired, which is very liberating and empowering to experience. My senses, particularly vision, hearing, and the feeling of subtle energies are also heightened in this state. This realm is very thought / emotion responsive, and will also respond to your sub-conscious mind. During the time I went through a more difficult week, where I was struggling to move out-of-body, when I finally was able to achieve this again, I was unable to move through the ceiling. My physical barrier in achieving an OBE was translating directly into this non-physical realm, when I finally entered it again. The more I can build my confidence, remove pre-conceived beliefs, conditioning, and limitations on who I am, the more I can explore this limitless realm freely. For anyone who is interested in having their very own OBE, I will say this is very achievable if your desire is strong enough, and you have sufficient courage. However, I would recommend to not try this until you are able to face your fears and barriers of the unknown, and of dying. From my experience it is also important to always build clear boundaries and protect yourself, perform this in a safe environment, and always set a clear intention beforehand.

Answering my original Question:

Now to my original question and intention for writing this article in the first place. Are Out-of-Body Experiences Just Dreams? I asked this question again after my most recent OBE, which I will describe briefly. I rolled out of my body, off the mattress, and did a summersault to the ground. I found my bearings and was able to stand on my two feet. My intention was to finally look at myself sleeping in bed. I avoided this previously because typically as soon as you think of your physical body, while out-of-body, you shoot back into your physical body and wake up immediately. I could see my partner sleeping and breathing peacefully. Then I looked more closely at myself. My vision was blurry, so I intently requested for clarity, and my vision became clear. I saw myself more closely lying on my back, also soundly asleep. We looked the same as we do in waking life, appearing as you would expect, if you were watching yourself sleeping. I was satisfied it was the two of us, and that I was out-of-body. I then went back into my physical body and woke up on my side. I found this very peculiar because I just saw myself lying on my back out-of-body? My partner was also in a slightly different position. I concluded this could mean a number of things for my OBE’s: 1. I was in fact in a dream and not physically out of my body, described by scientists as a Wake-Initiated Lucid Dream (WILD); 2. Like in my other OBE’s the non-physical realm is not the same as the physical. I am not in a Remote Viewing State, but rather in a different reality each time that matches my current intention and vibrational state; 3. Time works very differently in this realm and it is not a live-viewing of the waking physical state. I suspect the answer to my question is in fact all of the above.

Like many philosophers and spiritual explorers of the past have revealed: The Universe is inside of us. We are multi-dimensional beings, existing in different realms that we have an ability to experience and reconnect with. It doesn’t matter whether the OBE is happening outside of our physical body in the physical realm or not. This mindset and belief is far too limited. An extensive number of individuals have taken Psychedelics, like Ayahuasca, who are having their shamanic experiences within their body, and yet are journeying to different realms beyond this time and space, and beyond our limited-linear comprehension whilst we are in this physical world. Out-of-body experiences and Astral projections, could very well be occurring in a similar nature, where you are exploring the Universe inside yourself, because you are a part of this Universe, in all realms, dimensions, and states of being. Your physical body is acting as a portal for you to enter into and experience these states with your non-physical body, that lie beyond this physical realm. Is it possible that most OBE’s and NDE’s occur in the non-physical realm, also known as the astral plane, which is a dream-like reality? The Aborigines call this ‘The Dreamtime’, where our physical world is created from. A realm of pure intention within its deepest layers, at the heart of its essence.

Where our thoughts and emotions can in fact influence, change, and create a new paradigm quite rapidly in this dream-like realm, which works its way through to eventually manifesting into this collective physical reality, we are all co-creating together. While OBE’s may not be for everyone to experience and uncover further, I am continuing with this exploration for my very own personal and spiritual development. Stay tuned as my journeying into this space unfolds further.



Intrinsic Wizard

Spiritual Seeker to find Truth & Meaning to Life that is all-encompassing of Humanities varied beliefs & ideas, while also being open to our Evolution beyond.