Comic Review — Star Wars: Yoda #4–6: Students of the Force

JG Reviews
4 min readJul 16, 2023

Considering the second story-arc in the Yoda comic maxiseries. This time Yoda encourages Dooku to help in teaching young Jedi students, and dealing with troubling future visions. Written by Jody Houser, with art by Luke Ross and Nolan Woodard.

Individual issues from Star Wars: Yoda #4–6. Photo by the author.

Following on from the tropical getaway setting of the previous story arc in this series, this second arc brings us to much more familiar territory; set largely at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. While the story is framed via the teachers, Yoda and Dooku, the focus characters are a group of three students: a Wookie, Krrsish; a reptilian Trandoshan, Gheyr; and a (as far as know) new tiger-like alien Jak’zin. Which just visually made this quite a pleasing arc, as all the varied species were rendered very pleasingly throughout, especially the lovely design of Gheyr.

The story revolves around a vision had by Krrsish, which he interprets as Gheyr turning to the dark side at some point in the future. This creates a tension between the students, and also the teachers, as each of them finds out at different times what Krrsish saw, but all have to deal with the effects it has on Krrsish’s behaviour towards all concerned.

That tension played out between the students is not dissimilar from many school-age drama fallings-out. Which is interesting enough, and does…

