This is part 5 of a rebranding case study of Texas A&M’s new admissions marketing strategy called Aggiebound.

Overview | Social Media | Guide | Aggiebound Magazine | RESPONSE


I was so blessed to work with the amazing team at AdMark. I’ve since moved over to Marketing & Communications to help bring some of the same fire and passion against the status quo to the larger Texas A&M brand.

A sample of an instagram campaign they are currently running

Texas A&M is still leading the way in admissions marketing. Since I’ve left, AdMark printed the 4th full issue of Aggiebound Magazine, started a hugely successful instagram account, and launched filled with rich content and millennial focused messaging.

The response to Aggiebound was more than we ever imagined. We had engagement with prospective students that was unrivaled. Universities that we previously looked up to are now copying us and our tactics.

Since the #TAMU18 kids are now students at A&M, some have even come on board to write for Aggiebound Magazine because of how much they loved it. The Aggiebound Guide has been reprinted for the class of 2019 and 2020.

Here are some analytics on the number we have seen since Aggiebound hit the scene:

The total number of high school students requesting information or subscribing to Aggiebound increased drastically (will update with numbers when I get them). Most notably, we doubled the amount of highschool freshman that subscribed to get information about A&M. They are on track to double again this year. This means for the next four years, they will get Aggiebound Magazine every semester and most likely will apply.

Historically, applications to Texas A&M were steadily growing by around 2,000/year. In the fall of 2014 (for the class of 2018) we received 35,667 applications, jumping more than 5,000 more applications than the year before.

Aggiebound’s twitter account has over 5,000 followers which is much much more than most other admissions offices have. It also continues to grow at a higher rate than any other admissions account we have found.

More than just followers, it’s retweets and mentions show that it has grown to be the always-on authority and the go-to friend during the admissions process.

Above all, the stressful and confusing college admission process is much more friendly for our applicants. The Office of Admissions is no longer the proverbial gate keeper between students and their future. Aggiebound is a friend and mentor through this turbulent time in their lives.

Gig ’em Aggies

Overview | Social Media | Guide | Aggiebound Magazine | RESPONSE



Michael Green

Vexillologist | Flag Designer | Owner of Flags For Good | As seen on TED