Misogyny, Misandry, Misanthropy, and Sexuality

John Henry
7 min readJun 22, 2023
Photo by Jonathan Cooper on Unsplash

So I thought about this topic and the more I look at the vitriol and negativity between men and so-called straight women, whether on this medium or otherwise, it appears to me that there is a lot of man-hating (misandry), misogyny, and misanthropy (people hating).

I’m starting to realize that I am starting to become more of a misanthropist than I already was. Although I did make another article saying that some of this stuff isn’t healthy to keep taking in, but I digress. I think one recent article that I read that help to push me over the edge was this one. It basically highlighted women’s shallow and superficial nature when it comes to dating and relationships and it asked the question if those men who didn’t have many options would still be faithful if they had more options.

Now honestly, the article isn’t even that bad (and when I say bad, I mean in the sense of putting out negativity, toxicity, etc., I’m not referring to the quality of the writing). But it’s something like the straw that broke the camels back, so to speak. It just made me realize how screwed up this world and society is and is causing me to become quite the misanthropist. Of course, one might say that I am a misogynist if that simply means that I dislike women and I suppose a point could be made for that, but it’s probably along the lines of I just don’t like people…



John Henry

I’m just a man simply sharing my ideas based on my perception and understanding of life. As an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.