Ether and Bitcoin are UP! Print $60 dollars more and buy more ETHER

Main Steps in this guide:

Jordi Morris
3 min readJul 24, 2020

In the first 3 guides we built the portfolio:

  • 2 Vaults of Ether and Bitcoin
  • Vaults allowed us to print $400
  • $400 were used to build 2 leveraged positions of ~2.5x in bitcoin and ether

Print $60 DAI in Oasis

  • then connect a wallet, we’ll chose MetaMask:
  • these are the 2 vaults with Bitcoin and Ether:

Since price has risen the collateral of the vaults has appreciated against the dollar and allows to print more dollars

  • Click on the ETH vault → Manage Vault
  • Click on Generate in order to print $DAI
  • Printing 60 dollars will put our liquidation price at $195
if the ether price goes below we’ll cover our debt before it goes under $200 so our vault doesn’t suffer liquidation and penalty fees.
  • Transaction fees for printing DIA are very high now, we click Confirm:
  • 60 $DAI are worth 62.05 $USD

Swap $60 DAI for 0.22 ETH in Uniswap

  • What we do? Buy more Ether on uniswap to increase our eth stack!
  • Click Swap:
  • Confirm Transaction

Such a simple interface to swap freshly printed dollars. Stay tuned with Uniswap Twitter as it is always innovating and rewarding liquidity providers. Anyone can be a liquidity provider and earn fees ; the last trend is to mine tokens that give rights to governability and more, like Yearn Finance and MonteCarlo DEXchange that are generating weekly rewards of 15%, that’s ~700% return annually while you keep the initial investment.

Next guide to increase our ETH in Montecarlo DEX!



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Jordi Morris

LindyHOP·Kiteboarding·Skydive·ScubaDive·Instructor·Cryptocoiner ·LongBoard·GymRat