Junø — Stakedrop 💧 , Stake, JunoHack and Prep. for Genesis.

Junø ⚵
4 min readAug 18, 2021


The Juno genesis supply is going to staked $ATOM addresses based on the Feb 18th stargate snapshot. 30.663.193 total $JUNO will go to 46137 unique ATOM addresses on a 1:1 basis on October 1st as the network launches.

Check if you qualify here 💧 https://stakedrop.junochain.com/

Note: Exchange validators and their delegators are excluded from the stakedrop. Also your $ATOM had to be staked at the exact time of the snapshot. Additionally a whale cap was implemented at 50k ATOM per person or entity.

Claiming your $Juno


All ATOM address that qualify will be included in the genesis on October 1st. Meaning the same key that staked your ATOM will now automatically have $JUNO on it. It is therefore not required to perform any claim action.

Delegating your $Juno


Once the network is live you can start securing the Juno Hub by delegating to independent validator nodes and earn your part of the reward schedule.

✅ Via the Omniflix UI, delegators can connect to Keplr the non custodial interchain wallet.

Note: Omniflix is a safe interface that lets you sign tx until the Keplr team approves Juno natively. Omniflix has no way to access your private key/mnemonic.

What blockchain explorers will be available at launch?


The Core-development team and many ecosystem contributors are currently working on JunoScan.com

We plan to have the first version ready shortly before launch.

Additionally the Aneka explorer by Vitwit currently serving the Juno test-net will be available.

Which validators can you delegate to upon launch?


Currently over 75+ professional PoS validators have confirmed genesis support or will spin up shortly after in case they did not qualify for the stakedrop. This list is growing daily and will reach the set limit of 100 very soon.

Blockscape, stakefish, SG-1, Dimi, Stargaze.fi, Sentinel, Citadel.One, Figment, SimplyVC, AuditOne, KalpaTech, VitWit, Stakin, AC Validator, Iqlusion, Cosmic Validator, Ubik Capital, StakeLab, Imperator, Strangelove, KingNodes, 0BaseVC, DEC Labs, Ki Foundation, ITA Stakers, OmniFlix, SecureSecrets, SmartNodes, Chainvibes, Nodes.Guru, EZstaking, Chainflow, Chaos Validator, SpacePotayto, Notional validator, LOACOM,Cephalopod Equipment Corp, Cyber, StakeWithUs, HashQuark, 8888 Validator, Cypher Core, Everstake, Stakecraft, NLL- Community Staking, DVS, Monobot, Daylight Network, Disperze, Waves, Stakely.io, Pathrocknetwork, OranG3cluB, Colinka, Daylight Network, SwissStaking, BasBlock, Staketab, Web34Ever, STC Capital and many more.

Decentralize Juno & minimize your own risk.


Please spread out your delegations from day 1. This makes the network more decentralized as voting power is not concentrated among a few validators. Additionally it helps delegators to minimize their slashing risk.

What risks does securing the network with your Juno bring?

Staking risks include potential soft and hard slashes. A soft slash happens very rarely, when a validator node has prolonged downtime exceeding 5000 blocks. In this case delegators and the validator would loose 0.1% of their staked assets as a penalty.

Hard slashes are extremely unlikely and happens when a validator double signs a block, which slashes/penalizes both the validator and his delegators for 5% of the staked assets.

Due dilligence matters. Always get informed about your validators infrastructure setup. Additionally as mentioned above, diversify your delegations to minimize a potential slashing impact.

How to get involved in the ecosystem before October 1st?


➡️ Validators

🟤 Please join the upcoming Juno testnet. This is very important as we will be testing the custom inflation module.

🟤 Optionally develop an application for JunoHack. This is a great way to get increased exposure to $Juno and adds a lot of value to the ecosystem that will give us an instant kickstart in adoption. JunoHack Phase 1 is live for another 5 weeks. Join now!

➡️ Developers

🟤 JunoHack is your time to shine. Some amazing rust applications are currently being developed. Via the Discord project section you can join a specific project channel and exchange ideas & team up with fellow builders and then venture off to build the next killer application. Join now!

➡️ Delegators

🟤 Juno needs you! As a Juno ecosystem evangelist you can help the network and community on various fronts from writing medium articles, documenting the JunoHack to evangelizing developers and supporting on social media. Every contribution brings Juno one step closer to global adoption.


⚪️ Web: https://junochain.com/

⚪️ Discord: https://discord.gg/QcWPfK4gJ2

⚪️ Telegram: https://t.me/JunoNetwork

⚪️ Github: https://github.com/CosmosContracts/Juno

⚪️ Updates: https://t.me/Juno_Updates

⚪️ Twitter: https://twitter.com/JunoNetwork

⚪️ Medium: https://medium.com/@JunoNetwork

⚪️ Price Discussions: https://t.me/Juno_Price

