Julia Assange — Indie Left News

29 min readOct 8, 2022


Eliza Bleu on The Political Persecution of #JulianAssange

Unlike videos from Jordan Peterson with his self inflated ego (he definitely messed up his wife…that’s a conspiracy, not a quote, and the rabbit hole stops there). Peterson definitely is a false “intellectual” like Ben Shapiro, but worse.

This video though is gold no matter what happens. Because these people actually think. I am sure I am going to find things I might disagree with. But I am not always right. Except when I am, and I can predict with certainty, watching this I am about to get schooled in an epic way.

Can’t wait.

2:25 it’s like confirmation bias. It’s like reading what I would write. Except for the sex trafficking part. But the idea of core principles I started over 30 years ago, when I read this quote:

“All virtue is summed up in dealing justly.” — Aristotle

It’s my core principle, and it is what I write about ALL the time. It is even the main thread in my a fantasy book, that I really should finish writing.

4:00 Absolutely. The threat however is, when that “Free Speech advocator” turn evil. As we all know, the love of money corrupts people. I love the idea, I loved he did it. But he made a bad business model, there were NO safeguard for corruption. So this is how it started … how did it end? Evil don’t come knocking at your door, when you are poor and a nobody. Great start. But I want to see the ending. Did he turn? … regardless though, we 100% need Whistle Blower protection. Better yet, we need a system so we DON’T have any whistleblowers. Now what a great world that would be. Edward Snowden is a Hero. John Oliver is a Hero.

4:10 Of course. We have the facts. But even common sense would argue “if politicians were working for the people. Would there be any human trafficking at all? would there be any war on drugs? why do Germany have prisons that work, when we don’t?” (Yes, I keep coming back to that particular Ted Talk, and I will link it every single time. Because it still blows my mind, that video is over 5 years old. And we have done NOTHING to get us in that direction.¹

4:19 Wow, what a statement. What if politicians had that in them. Wow.

4:35 Yes, I might finally learn something They really did a great job at repeating the same line … everywhere. And that is pretty suspicious. They agree on something? They can’t even agree if the dress is blue or gold. But then, if you have learned to do your own research, as we engineers learn in college. In fact my favorite teacher “literally” said “most of you will not use your education for anything. You’re chemical engineers. Statistically most of you will end up in a different kind of scientific field. But the one thing you have learned, that will be what people that hire people in scientific fields like to see, is that we have taught you to do your own research”. Now don’t quote me if those were the exact words. I am 100% they were not. But that was what I got out of that memory, I still carry today. As a wisdom. And that is what we need more off in politics. Not people that are always right. But people that have the wisdom to see what really matter is the people, whom they are suppose to serve in the first place. We don’t ask for perfection. Look they elected Trump. Sure it got me interested in politics for the first time ever, but that was because I had no idea America was this messed up, that they would elect that man to represent them to the world. Do they know the world? And of course, therein lies the problem. They don’t know other countries. The few that do and care (both matter), that want to change America for the better, they are too few. Those that profit of the system we have allowed our politicians to build, usually, not always, but too often, don’t care, and they are too many.

They have been the ones that have prevented America to get prisons like they have in Germany (every time I will use it). Or generally sensible people like in Scandinavia, who are not flawless or perfect or live in a fantasy world. They just generally care more about people, than they do in America. The only people that want to be like America today, are ignorant on the circumstances there, comes from an actual war zone, or the kind of people that follow a clown like Trump. People that don’t know about other countries. They are more concerned about defending their country from invaders of illegal immigrants, of caravans for Mexico (have the last one they couldn’t shut up about, arrived?) Fearmongering is the bread and butter of Tyrants and Nationalists. That is what people that have been to other countries, and care, people that know history, because we don’t want to ban books. We, unlike Rockefeller want people that learn to think. That is what everyone should always be fighting for. The right that our politicians do their best to work the people. We don’t expect perfection, no one that think does. But we do expect better prisons, because others can do it, so can we.
In America there are more and more that are learning to think. We are many. We are growing, thanks to amazing people like Eliza here. And to think I just learned about her and all the Child Pornography on Twitter, because I was looking for material on my article about Elon Musk finally buying Twitter².

To make all those changes that need to happen in America, we need to change the whole system. how, I leave that to experts in assembling teams that can perform miracles, like Elon Musk has done for, well all his companies. Except for the ones he made himself. With his brother. It is one thing I learned about him, in my research. He has always had family or teams of amazing people at his side. During that research it was even better to learn, that everyone that know him as a person. Admires him, loves him, but know he is certainly not perfect. No one can be. Or should be. that’s why we all matter. It’s literally the meaning of life, humanity. Well to me it is :) but it’s likely also why so many fear AI. I don’t. I fear the ones that will use it for their own gain. And the world right now, is run by Greed. We haven’t won this battle. We barely moving forward. But every time Biden hands the people another win. The further we go. Today, he announced this. I would say it’s way way to late. The moment the first president admitted to having smoked pot, and did not serve any time for it. Was the wakeup call. Seriously can a politician be any more subtle than to admit to a crime, in a land with to so many nutcases, that haven’t learned to think, or care more about their own gains to care. Than basically saying “it’s time to decriminalize it”.

Wow, just occurred to me. That I saw this POTUS post, because I follow Elon Musk. And I even like this President, though I am a Bernie supporter. I wrote an article about my support for Biden, he keeps making it better. Step there, step there, and a step everywhere. Many we don’t even know, because Fox News thinks it’s important to tell their viewer about the unsecure borders in Biden’s America. Governors in RED states, that has been RED for decades are complaining about their border security, to Democrats. It’s so ironic even Alanis Morissette would get it.

When Trump was President, America was a shithole.
Now that Biden is President, America is starting to be better.

And the common sense one. It’s your state.

It’s not rocket science. And Elon Musk taught himself rocket science. I knew a kid that taught himself rocket science. A kid that blew my mind, and hadn’t learned to be wise, he even had a spell where he was considering the flat earth theory. Because the fool went down that rabbit hole, without have the wisdom to handle it. He was not that far, and when I asked him, where is the core on a flat earth. He was back talking about propulsion, and thrust, and things that makes my head hurt. It is not my field. It fascinates me. But it does not come naturally to me. But I listened to him, and what fascinated me most, was just how god damn smart that kid was. They do say, genius borders on the line between sanity and madness? Sure, I get that. Maybe for “normal” people. But certainly not to oddballs like Einstein and Bohr. Those two had a weird brain. Bohr had dyslexia … (had to double check, I learned that many years ago, turns out it just might be dysgraphia).

Niels Bohr suffered from dysgraphia³ (learning so much today), and
according to the standard criteria there does not seem much doubt that Isaac Newton, Henry Cavendish and Albert Einstein were Asperger people; in fact Newton appears to be the earliest known example of a person with any form of autism.

I heard many amazing stories about Newton and Einstein, but could someone please make a Netflix or History Channel show about Henry Cavendish? The point however, should be succinct.

(break, had to Tweet some, while thinking on where to take this. Shorten it :) and I had to continue to troll Ted Cruz. My message today is:

Onward, I have a lot of tangents to this. Like Russell Howard³ teaching us how we should engage with children when they go to school. By engaging their imagination, that’s where creativity lies, that’s where thoughts come from, and that’s where true intelligence comes from.
That’s also the backstory for my book.
Another tangent thought. What if in the future our teachers are robots. Not something I would want. I think those that only seek knowledge, loose the meaning of life, which is humanity. We need real engagement from people, especially when we are learning. But that could be in the form of online material, and holograms or VR technology.
My fantasy book use magic to share memories. VR technology will one day be able to stimulate our brain, so that senses can be felt or smelt. We already have ways to read the mind, and that technology is only going forward as well. And therein lies a dozens of conspiracy theories and novels of a dystopia new world. Where the citizens are controlled by the big evil Always those stories. Not in my book, sick and tired of the constant same kind of struggles. We know better, so do the people on my fantasy world, they just learned to do better, to be best.
But they have elves.

If we want a world that fixes all the wrongs that odd bird and his amazing team on Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, right that bird. When ever he opens his beak, I am about to get schooled, and I am going to think Wtf? We do we allow so much? To fix all the stuff he has and is still talking about, we need to re-write our Constitution like Germany did after WW2, and good luck with that. But I Iearned to do research in college, and there are always someone smarter than me out there:

Is “learned” not a word? why do I want that to be a word…I’ll leave it. Wow. This is a great video. But the link I found, I had to read it myself. That was amazing. Can I please be a student of Pascal Wallisch?. What an amazing mind. And it’s over 5 years old. I really don’t do gossip like this. And I missed this completely. Wow. But onward, I want to know about Assange.

4:42 Yes it was. Because it’s true. And once you know it is. You can’t unknow it. Pretty much what that article also said. And at the end of the day, the Greek knew, as Socrates said “I can’t teach you anything. I can only help make you think”. The only person we can’t lie to is ourself, and only we can teach what we want to learn. The job of our schools should be to teach our children to think. But that was never the plan for controlling people. I recently learned that they said it out loud back then:

Consider this quote by John D. Rockefeller, philanthropist and one of the masterminds behind compulsory schooling: “I don’t want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers.”

How the heck did we allow that? That is literally slavery. All good intentions lead to hell and all that. That is the step towards slavery. Capitalistic slavery. That was our schools original purpose? If there have been any successful indoctrination of this mentality, it happened generations ago. And today, in America, we literally have two parties that are split on Climate Change and even on EV or gas. Here is how split they are in their ways of thinking. They can’t through their heads, that the richest man in the world, according to the stock market⁴ believe in the science they deny, and he is freaking sending rockets to space. If science was not a reality, how would you accomplish such a tasks? If you not an expert, listen to experts.

Republicans love their success more than people. And despite the harm Big Oil has been proven to do⁵ to our country, to the world. They still can’t get behind Elon on EVs because they are not manly.
The accomplished an insane plan when they made schools compolsory. They learned to make workers. And unless you a highly intelligent person, your homeschooling is not making it any better. Their plan is an insanely well made plan. Luckily, it didn’t work. There are more thinkers in this world now, than every before. And the truth will always come out. And once we learn the truth, it can’t be unlearned. And one truth is, once again wisdom back to the good old Socrates “no one is perfect or always right” albeit he said it in his cryptic way “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” It’s likely his best known quote. It’s a good one, but wrong. True wisdom is in knowing you are not always right, even when you think you are. However, I wonder how many have thought that he actually proved himself right, in not being the all wise one, he truly was. There is a reason we know of him today, so many centuries later. He changed the world. Other people want us to change the world, for the better, people such as Yuval Noah Harari would say. “Together we will get it right, eventually. We just got to learn to trust one another”. He is an idol, you should watch his Ted Talks. Not all agree, but hopefully it makes them think.
But trust is everything. You can forgive people for mistakes, even terrible ones. As long as you still trust them. But you never truly forgive people you don’t trust. I truly don’t believe a single person in America trust the system. Those that really want to, when honest to themselves, know they can’t, and it is our politicians job to have the people gain their trust in the system. Otherwise, when war come it’s either a Revolution, or one where the citizens are fleeing, because they don’t want to fight for a country, their own homeland, for a government, they don’t trust or even like.
But hey your followers, those “True Patriots” they got your back, because they love this country. If only there were no immigrants, no transgenders, oh and some requested to remove the same sex marriage as well. And have places where people of color can’t enter. It’s a club, they get that. They have their own rules. Just like we want businesses to have. Not our, the people’s rule. Their own company lines rules. It’s their money, they get to decide. Don’t like it, leave. Republicans are incapable of thinking beyond their own plans for the future, or they don’t care about the pain and suffering it takes for them, to afford another mansion.

I do this all the time. This is going to be to long for a YouTube comment.
It is too long :)
But I continue it on my medium page. And share my thoughts on Assange, once I have been schooled by an expert. Then clearly, I have to do my own research. I really did not have time for this. never going to finish my book. It’s just too important to ignore. You got to learn if you want to grow, and what really happened with Assange…

5:25 Right. I get that, because the system uses those channels. Someone is always involved, and they will do their job to contain the news. But you learn about them, someone always talk. The danger lies in not reporting anything that hasn’t been verified. There is too much at risk, when handling this important materials. As Snowden knew, and he paid for his integrity and empathy. We lost a bright young man, because they couldn’t buy his loyalty, when what was asked by the government, goes against our own core principles. Which clearly show two things, we can’t trust our government, and we need protection for whistleblowers.

They not just risking potential “harmful” information, they are showing how corrupt we have allowed our government to be. When we order our own people to spy on everyone. If they want lower the crime rates, which they always use and excuse. Then we should do what other countries are doing. Make live better for the poor. Lift them up. Give everyone opportunities to be the person they want to be. Sure it’s dreaming, but so was self driving cars, and robots.

5:43 I know how that sounds. But the ONLY way to fight the fight she wants to win. Is by winning the war on politics. We need to reform Congress. We know this, I keep writing about this. Everything else we do, is a Band-Aid.

6:04 In my book, we clearly have to do both. But how big is FBI? We almost had a coup. If that coup had succeed. How well does Eliza think the war on sex trafficking will go with people like Jim Jordan, Ted Cruz and Matt Gaetz making the laws? I am really curious, because this attack on FBI I don’t agree with. How many do they have, and what is the highest priority?
The government is good. Many dedicated workers. FBI is and has been amazing, which they have shown with cases like:

I have far more faith in the DOJ and FBI than I do with the police and their corrupt unions, or with most politicians. Though luckily there are more an more politicians I do trust with wanting to make the country better.
I still believe to really make the country better, we need to reform Congress. The Senate is broken, that much is clear.

6:20 Ahhh the good old propaganda machine that is RNC and DNC, you can always count of them to spin it to however they want it to sound. But remember, they pulled the agents to go after politicians … can you guess which party they might go after the most?
The question is. Do you trust Republicans over FBI? Do you trust Ted Cruz? Jim Jordan? Mitch McConnell? Matt Gaetz?

I trust all of them on one thing only. They will always do what is bet for themselves. Ted left his dog. Jim ignored the kids. Mitch is just evil and matt is likely happy they pulled agents away.

So, let’s think before we use sources to “validate” our arguments.

6:55 I would say, nailed it.

7:08 very good point. Considering, they likely had a field of expertise. sure they are FBI agents, but we learn in what we work with. They are the experts, find new agents to handle the growing threat of greed. Like Biden hired more IRS agents, and that send Republicans into a tailspin too. Not one of them mention, 55.000 was retiring, and these new hires was replacement. They also don’t tell you, they change tax laws so fast, they can’t keep up. They do that on purpose, to prevent them from coming after the rich. Cases that can take years, decades to go through. Like Trump.

My solution is simple. Reform the tax system. Remove all income tax and tax only businesses as they do in China. Far less people are needed, if us “workers” don’t pay taxes. Why should we? we get paid by our business, to pay taxes. Just skip that step, and have the business pay all taxes. That’s the price of doing business here. Meanwhile we can blame who is really to blame for being poor. But they can pay us less, if the government did their job and worked for the people. It’s a connected. We are all connected. We need to keep doing what Biden is doing. Many small steps all over.

But we cannot give up on Sex Trafficking. We simply cannot afford that. unlike Climate Change, it is an imminent danger to whomever is suffering right now. We have to get the funding for this, and not for our war machine. We can do it, by changing our ways, like Japan did while they handled their plutocracy. The very thing we have here now. Japan did it. They not perfect, but they made it better. Much better.

Today this is what happens in Japan when their leaders mess up, and don’t do what is best for the country:

Can’t say I agree with that philosophy. It’s certainly accountability. But it really takes away what is most human about us. Our flaws. We make mistakes, all of us. If we don’t get a chance to learn from them, then no wonder the world is such a mess. It is not corruption to try and get more vaccines for the people. That’s desperation for trying to safe lives. It’s not corruption to wanting to appear normal during a pandemic. But it become one, when you ignore the science is being proven right. Once the spread was out of control. You must face the facts, and act better. Fix your mistakes, and safe lives.
It’s our unwillingness to change our ways, that harms the people. I could write several tangent stories on how the Japanese has impressed me with their dedication in wanting to be best. But it is almost always from a business perspective. All they need is to connect the humane aspect. it is ok to make mistakes, accountability is in learning and doing better next time. Perfection lies in humanity, when we come to accept our own flaws. This world would the most boring place in the universe, without other people.

8:05 Yes. And the same goes to Edward Snowden, very few people know who he is, or what he did. Which is an argument for how effective the mainstream media is. They will silence stories that do not benefit their pocket. They might not care, or have skin in the game. But the results are the same. People remain uninformed. Instead, let’s hear more about those immigrants that are overrunning over border. 1000 a day, 10.000 a day, millions each day. Before know it, the whole world moved into America.

9:18 Let us not forget. Liberals oppose torture. Liberals want prisons like in Germany (yes again). While Republicans are cool with torture, they are after all enemy of the state. They are fine with mass shootings, because no one is doing anything about it. They are fine with sex trafficking, why else do you think Epstein managed to hang himself, under Trump and Barr’s watchful eyes? Yes, there are easy conspiracies, I wrote one on Barr. But no proof, so there it ends.⁶

9:28 Robert Barnes does NOT sound like the kind of attorney I would take advice from. This to me is not a good argument for Assange. Alex Jones is a known grifter and liar. Sandy Hook proven that in court. Kyle Rittenhouse shows how messed up this country his. A killer, 17 years old, set free because they are ok with those death.
Not a man I would want represent me. Looks like he represent the guilty ones, and will show how rotten the system really is, then go out and claim how horrible the left are for coming after Alex Jones and the fact we have laws that allow a 17 year old to purchase an assault weapon and then just walk the streets. In Switzerland sure, though they are safe enough they not that stupid to do that. But we are NOT safe, and we allow it?
Think on it.
Ted Cruz is NOT doing his job.

So when I hear him call it shameful, all I hear is propaganda. A lawyer speaking rhetoric, as he knows, we all find is shameful to not be allowed to speak the truth. Especially when we know, there is so much corruption, so much evil that is being ignored. He goes right for that sympathy card, but you always have to look at the source. Robert Barnes is not trustworthy, so be aware of his intentions. He is in it for the money. Not the course.

9:43 Nice touch, noticing the rhetoric “deep state”, they do love that one.

10:27 No idea who Taylor Lorenz is. So guess they silenced another one.

10:34 Geoff Young, another one I don’t know. And as an Independent, a progressive, a liberal. I don’t put any faith into the “titles” of Democrat or Republican. Arnold Schwarzenegger was a Republican, and a good person. Sinema is a Democrat, and a terrible person. It’s not the titles that makes a person, thought we all knew this. But I will look him up and see if I like his policies. My number one priority is Universal Healthcare, but there is a lot more to fix.

Yeah … he sounds more like a libertarian than Democrat, and a slightly crazy one at that. Please tell me, you don’t find these people reliable?

10:40 Yeah, not a Democrat I would vote for. I wouldn’t vote in Sinema, Manchin or Pelosi either. Insider trading is greed, and that’s what is destroying our country. Our world.

BTW are the Australian ok with this? it’s their citizen, their responsibility to leave no man behind. Are they fine or bowing down to American pressure?

10:58 Clearly, anyone that know American history know this is facts. That’s juts confirmation bias of what should be common knowledge. I am from Denmark, and we knew all the shit America did to the Native Indians, to the Blacks, to the Chinese. We learned about their idiotic attempt of prohibition, something we never tried. Likely because America proved it was the dumbest idea in the history of Democracy. Now we are still having a war on drugs. While many European have started to think “wait a minute, this is just another of those stupid laws against freedom America invented to punish the poor and enrich the wealthy. Because the rich never can get enough. It’s a machine of enough is never enough. We are not falling for that trick anymore. Holland, Portugal and even Oregon have changed their views on drugs, and naturally it works. Because they put their trust in people to handle their addiction, but are there for those that crosses that line. That’s what a government do for a people they work for, and they get trust back as a reward. Prisons are closing in Holland, and cops rarely even see or use firearms. There is crime. But not American crime rates. Same for Japan, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, the world is changing for the better. Well many with setbacks. Like America. Work in Ukraine is not exact better. But they will win, it’s only a matter of time. With out support, as Biden’s administration is giving, it might end a lot sooner, rather than later. I hope that one day, we do it with diplomacy. Like ending NATO, as if I was born in Russia, I would probably not like to be considered the enemy of the west. I like the west more, but I am born in a nice country with a psychotic dictator. If he doesn’t feel and understand a win. He will not tip his king. He might flip the table. Diplomacy is psychology at the highest level, but finding solutions is done in the imagination. Where thought are, cause no one has ended a war with a tyrant, without it coming back to bite them. Who is going to be the next “bad” guy? America has tried many times, and that is why we have a need for someone like Assange. The only problem I see so far, is the people coming to his defense, are nor people I would put my own trust in. I wouldn’t trust them with my dog, if I had one, just like I wouldn’t trust Ted Cruz with my dog, that I don’t have.
he does, and look how he treats his dog. Why would I trust such a man to care about my children, when he don’t care about his own? Sure, he will claim he does, and all the good Republicans will jump to his defense, but I don’t listen to them, I listen to the children:

The ones he used as an excuse for a trip to Cancun, in a blizzard ravaging his state, that he is 1 in 2 the people have elected to care for them. To work for them, and he leaves his dog.

So far, not impressed by the people coming to his defense. Makes me wonder, what kind of person did he turn into at the end.

This is Ted Cruz:

Today we know. Ted Cruz became a father to use his children. I have no doubt. It worked then, it did not work against Trump. He is even more of a selfish dick now.

And this is what he politics has done to his daughter. If he don’t care about his own children, why should he care about ours? And for all dog lovers, don’t vote on Ted Cruz or Dr Oz.

11:2 Yeah, yeah, we know, that’s why we loved it. The question, were we deceived? I do not trust Charities. Never have. I know many are great. because people are great. But most turn and become scams. Because none of them have any safety net for when greed sets in. It corrupts the mind, and you find yourself committing evil, for a few bucks. You loose yourself in the pursuit of wealth. How many good movies have we not made of the lure of gold, the glittering cities of Eldorado, King Solomon’s mines (which never existed, since gold comes from imploding stars, 1000 times larger than our sun. In the super nova that followed, gold dust was form, wand flung to the far reaches of space, raining down on earth. And is therefore not found in mines, like diamonds.⁷)

The question here, why are these people defending him? This reminds me of the terrible campaign Larry Elder ran here in CA, and thank goodness for that, because Gavi Newsome is stepping up, just like Bide. Maybe because of Biden, he sees doing what the people actually ask for, is what they will vote for. Like abortion Rights.

11:19 I actually agree with that. 100% everyone needs a trial, needs to be heard, and understood. We should be a court of Justice, and Justice has mercy. While in a court of Law and Order, there are no Justice.

11:27 and that is just stupid. impeach for not taking a side, on something he likely have no idea of which side to take. And there are sadly far more pressing matter for him, constantly. A barrage of things we urgently need to fix. Housing, Universal Healthcare, Mental Awareness, Education, Prisons, Police Unions, Workers Unions, Climate Change, Infrastructure, Borders, Pollution, and the list really goes on and on, because so much is fucked up, as John Oliver keep quaking about. That bird needs a charity, and I will help him have a fucking failsafe towards corruption.

And let us not forget, Human Trafficking. It is hard to envision any crime that is more harmful towards our society. Slavery is evil, and rape is evil. Sex Trafficking is what evil do, when they have the power to do so. Our politicians are the only ones that should and do, have the power to end this. But for that, we have to trust our government, especially the FBI and DOJ. They are the ones that right now need funding. While we reform the police and the justice department. I have before had ZERO faith in the Supreme Court. None what so ever. They might not think themselves as evil, but they are, and they act with the power tyrants have.

Right, the point. Impeach the President? This guy is an idiot. That is political rhetoric and nonsense. What Assange need is a fair trial. I would prefer Australia, seeing he is an Australian. And I trust them more. But really, that decision should be up to him.

11:38 No, not Amen. He is on bath salt, and not weed. Don’t be blinded by confirmation bias. We all want to see Assange get Justice. But that is not done by listening to questionable people, and then claim “he said this”, then we end up with even more MTG in Congress, and we can’t take that.

11:50 Well that was refreshing. Had to look up that author, and first article. Confirmation bias, and I learned something. Which always make it a great read. I love the thoughts, so at least based on just one article, here is one I would listen to. Adam B. Celeman is the first I would have used as source.

12:25 Damn well said Coleman. 100% US government has always said one thing, claim they stand for it, then do whatever they want. Believing their goals justified their means. I NEVER does when it comes to the government. Every step taking has to be the best one. Causing pain and suffering on just one man, or the Tuskegee airmen, is never justifiable. We have to do better, and demand better. But when we have politicians like Ted Cruz, it is hard to fix everything that is wrong. And it really do feel like it is everything. But it’s not everything, it is merely too much. It’s not all the rich that are selfish and uncaring, it’s just too many of them. And it is not everyone in government or government agencies that is involved with Human trafficking's, but it is certainty way too many.

12:38 Sara Higdon is right. It truly seem absurd why is he NOT in Australia, since when did they become our enemy? There is definitely something really wrong going on. As wrong as what has happened to Steven Donziger an actual hero of our times.

12:54 We have to be extremely careful. There are NO free speech on the internet. You are accountable for what you post and link. And if asked to remove, you either comply or can possibly face consequences. Like There really have to be more accountability from our Main Stream Media, as Fox News is nothing but a propaganda machine.

Free Speech is NOT a mic drop. It’s always about context. He does not have the right to post whatever he wants. And something is for good reason illegal. The question is, what did he post that made them claim he was a threat to security, which I always think of as a catch phrase, rather than an actual threat to our Democracy. Until we had Jan 6th.
We have to take events that happens, seriously or we get this:

13:00 This part, 100%

13:08 Ok, that is a horrible analogy. That is not even apples and oranges. More like religious nutjobs and national security.
Like, let’s imagine that what an advocator really wanted to post on his “free speech” website, is the addresses where pedophiles can go and have a good time. Not everything should be allowed to post online. It’s always about perspective. And I am still waiting to hear, what did he do, that made him a threat to them?

13:30 I like this dude, he constantly have good thoughts. It is not the same, it was a bad analogy.

13:55 NO! That is the most irresponsible way to handle such important information. Wtf, did he never have any ethic class? You have to verify what you post. You have to be certain, when you put your name on it, you are responsible for it. And if you are so busy making money, and not scrutinize the information, by doing your due diligence, then you a hack.

That is the exact reason Edward Snowden is the Hero to me. he found a journalist, he verified, and trusted. It was the best thing to do, and that was what he did. If Assange don’t have that time, then he hire a team, and he find the time. There is nothing purist about just posting what you get. That is how propaganda starts, that’s how lies are spread. That is how Epstein and other are allowed to flourish, in the open, unseen by the unknowingly.
How many knew of Epstein Island until he was caught, and then hanged? I didn’t, but I was stupid and ignorant to the world around me. Mine was with my family and my games and friends. I missed my science, but I missed even more of the world around me. Like one of my favorites once said so eloquently:

“If You Don’t Read the Newspaper You Are Uninformed, If You Do Read the Newspaper You Are Misinformed” — Hemingway

I quite following the news in high school. Wrote about why⁸. My first Twitter ban send me on my longest article, that all came back to then i stopped watching the news, and why.

14:02 I am first really learning by Assange now, is that true? Nothing was ever proven to be a misinformation, a lie, wrong data, anything? If not, impressive for someone that claim they don’t edit or give opinions. As in, impressively lucky, unless they actually do read and fact check. Or they got lucky the real deal every time came to them. Edward Snowden didn’t go to WikiLeaks. He expressed his reasons why:

Masterful interview. John Oliver’s idea of dumbing it all down, so “normal” people can understand. They will surprise you, in that they know what is right or wrong, even if they have no idea what the IT guy is talking about. Us that spend countless hours and days thinking on this, can’t get why so many are not seeing the problems. It’s clear Human Trafficking is happening, because our governments fail. Some countries are doing better than others. But no one is doing good enough. An America, with NSA could end it. That however, is NOT the priority of those that wish to control us. They claim it is to catch the really bad guys. Like terrorists. Like Saudi Arabia, whom is our global weapons and arms dealers.
But John do what I would do in American politics. Dumb it down.
Have one rallying cry, Universal Healthcare. Fight for it. Everything else will follow, as soon as we have elected officials that actually care about the people, that actually want to end Human Trafficking. And not people like Matt Gaetz, who among 19 other Republicans, voting against an Anti-Humane Traffic Bill.

And they are going to claim the same as usual “there was a funding for ****” and that was really why they voted against this. Always Republicans these day.

On with the video. really got me going today. Learned a lot already.

14:18 Again. If he does NOT verify his source. It is NOT journalism. It’s a hack job. Snowden was responsible, was Assange?

15:8 Not it is not. There is a reason there is no such thing as Free Speech. There is “post things, and take responsibility”. Again, if what you post, you know is evil and wrong, you literally committing a crime. Like posting a list where pedophiles can go and have a good time.
It’s what they in the law call an accomplish. Which is why the drive away driver is considered a bank robber, even if he never set foot in the bank. He is still wrapped up in the crime. It’s all about perspective. It’s not about free speech. Though I still haven’t seen why he was considered a threat.

15:25 His ideals are glorious. But not reality. There is no actual free speech. Hope you all can see why that is.

15:32 Dave DeCamp certainly knows his stuff. Always a treat to listen to an expert. And from what I heard I like his emphasis of the concerns and questions e.g. Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan. Except I think the provocation was also to tell the world. America, after Trump, is still able to defend the countries they have committed themselves to, like Taiwan. And I like the idea that we want to resolve this conflict with Diplomacy. And not take side openly, and be the defender only. Like we are with Ukraine.

China know they could take Taiwan if they wanted. They likely even know they could do it successfully. But like every conqueror learn. It’s easy to take a country. It is almost impossible to change that country, if they hadn't had their own time to get there. Every country, every culture are on their own path. It is their job to change, not ours to make them change.
Diplomacy is the future of peace in the world.

16:15 Yeah that shit is not ok. That’s a crime against Humanity. Torture is never alright. It might be looked over in the heat of a battle. But his is in a cell, he has to be treated as a human being. And give him a damn trial.

17:08 Again. Powerful words, but I still didn’t learn what put in the threat to our nation security category. However, it’s pretty clear his human rights are violated, and that alone is reason to rally. Even if guilty of whatever they want him to be guilty of. There no justification for violating his human rights. It why we want them as rights. For our government to adhere to the people’s will of not torturing people. Regardless of whom they may be. They might be monsters, but we are not.

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtV5ev6813I&t=2s
  2. https://medium.com/@JustADad/twitter-users-are-losing-followers-a7131709cfe2
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsozuP1M7LI
  4. https://medium.com/@JustADad/frontline-before-the-mets-steve-cohen-was-the-hedge-fund-king-full-documentary-45cc7ede934e
  5. https://medium.com/@JustADad/frontline-shows-its-all-about-perspective-9e9a4e54720
  6. https://medium.com/@JustADad/my-conspiracy-bill-barr-72ac2c33abfb
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfUT6LhBBYs&t=14s




Aspiring writer. Articles and books (in the works) on my views and philosophy that is based on empathy and wisdom. Knowing that none of us are always right.