The AI Revolution Enters The Unlimited Energy Space

Just Jake
3 min readMay 11, 2023

Sam Altman’s latest win shows the future of energy

Back in January I wrote “Unlimited Energy. Unlimited Potential.” The crux of the article was that the thing truly holding us back from taken the next step in advancing civilization is energy. If we could unlock unlimited sustainable energy we would become a super species capable of all sorts of next level technological advancements.

Unlimited energy equals unlimited potential. The future we create in our wildest dreams is possible with unlimited energy. Because unlimited energy means everything compounds at a rate humans have never seen before.

At the time of writing this, Nuclear Fusion had made a major new milestone.

Nuclear fusion could potentially provide abundant, safe energy without the significant production of greenhouse gas emissions or nuclear waste. But it has remained frustratingly elusive as a practical technology for decades. An important milestone toward that goal has now been passed: a fusion reaction that derives most of its heat from its nuclear reactions themselves rather than the energy pumped into the fuel from outside.

