The Hopeful Souls

Karan Philosophies
5 min readJun 24, 2023


The hopeful souls that have stayed here have noticed the peculiarity in all things. They believe undeniable truths lay hidden away behind these occurrences. Beginning with the world itself, it is far too intricate to be of a random occurrence.

What about the world makes it so peculiar?

The very chance of us being here, a race intelligent enough to gauge into the cosmos that created it, speaks to the peculiarity present. From the very alignment of the stars to the DNA in our bodies, everything is miraculous.

The sun and stars are perfectly aligned in such a manner that the planets are able to form. Our home, Earth, is designed like a comfortable cradle to protect us against the morbidly severe forces of nature. All of this to give life, to give us a chance.

As for life itself, what are the chances? There are planets in our interstellar vicinity with conditions for life, but not a trace of microbial activity is to be found. Then, what can be said of intelligent life, which is a revolutionary milestone in the process of evolution, being found?

All of this is far too miraculous to have happened of its own accord.
Surely, there are greater forces at play.

So, the souls believe there is a cause to the universe. A creator that made it all?

Yes, they believe there is a creator. One who inspired the creation of this universe. Such an idea has been fantasized throughout all time. No one has been able to provide a solid conclusion on the matter, however, it feels undeniable that there must be one.

A powerful creator could definitely explain the phenomena present. However, the world and those in it are apparently flawed in nature. Why create such an imperfect world?

While the world does seem apparently flawed, it may even be the case that it was made for a different purpose. For all we know, the creator could be capable of creating a perfect world but has created this one with a different purpose in mind. Our standards and expectations for perfection may even prevent us from appreciating the grander picture.

What kind of purpose would the creator have with such a world?

We see the world as being imperfect, but maybe somewhere in that imperfection lies its beauty. We are inclined towards progress because we know of our incapability. Our advancements in all fields from science, technology, psychology, biology etc. speak to this fact. Our search for betterment never ceases because we know we are flawed.

It is those very same flaws that bring us together, to fill in each other’s gaps. Our very vulnerability leads us to confide in one another.

Is it so bad then that so many great things occur because we are not all that great?

For all we know, one day, in search of these answers, we may even look beyond this world of ours. Towards mystical worlds beyond the scope of all our imaginations.

Our imperfections lead us to great discovery, and this is undeniable.

It is appealing to believe that all the imperfections are by design. But, this does not answer for the calamity caused by our shortcomings. It is still not fair to make a world so full of misery and suffering.

Suffering shouldn’t be a thing in this world. But, it does not help to blame the creator for all of these troubles. That does not solve the problem. Instead, let us try and understand the reason for all the suffering and calamity.

Ever since we entered this world and came to an understanding, we have had the ability to make our own choices, hold our own opinions and if privilege permits, to even express these opinions freely.

This is the gift of free will that all of us possess.

The world is as it is, and will remain as such for millennia to come. We, as humans, are not so hurt or damaged by the calamities of this world as we are hurt by each other. There is no natural danger or disaster that is as threatening to us as we are to ourselves.

It is not the fault of anyone else that we as humans in our lowest of moments have forsaken our humanity and spread this vicious cycle of calamity.

What good will it do to blame others for our mistakes? How will that improve anything? It is us who have to come to acceptance with our fate and the unfortunate circumstances that have brought us here.

In humanity lies the flaw & in humanity lies the hope.

…wow…it really does come down to us… But, then, why make us humans?.. If we were to only cause trouble to others and ourselves, why create us?

Because, only humans can dream. Only humans can hope. Only humans are so perfectly flawed.

Only humans have the ability and the chance to find the creator.

All because we were meant to! We are the only ones who so desperately need and crave an answer to our imperfections. We are the only ones that tirelessly endeavor to fill the hole inside. No matter how much we deny it, our heart longs to be complete.

To deny the idea of a creator is to deny the very essence of being human.

This whole world and all of creation is here for us. To help guide us souls to the truth. No other species is as capable, and no other method is possible.

This creator… did they really do all of this just for us?

Yes, this world is a specially designed incubator for the souls. As the souls stay here and experience humanity, they mature. Maya is nothing more than the heat of this forge. It tempers the souls as they are honed by the lessons of life. As they are ‘formed’, the souls find their true light and shine in this once dark world.

Bring out their light?.. Isn’t Maya the darkness that binds the souls and steals their virtue? How can it help to bring out their light?

Maya tries to bind the souls by pushing them to their last breath. But these immortal souls never lose the essence of their being. It is only when they are pushed to the limit do they come to realize the power within. As they find themselves on their very last straws, the souls resort to their last and final ability.

It is their most powerful ability, the ability to hope.

This is the greatest ability of the souls and while it may seem subtle, its powers are remarkable. We have seen it throughout human history, when all else fails and everything seems lost, it is the hope in the hearts of man that pushes them to achieve the impossible.

Hope!.. It is a wonderful thing… but, all of this for hope? What is the need to realize this hope?

Well, that’s the most interesting part. The next step in evolution for these souls requires a substantial amount of hope. Their dream of obtaining a form or of finding the creator is only possible by hope. Otherwise, they have searched everything and tried everything else, but to no avail… They have no other choice…

This is the very last frontier to explore, and the only way to enter is by hope.

It really does take everything to get to this stage, doesn’t it? Well, how is hope used to enter this final frontier? What’s it like inside?

To understand that, we will have to understand the creator.

Stay tuned for next time.

