Green Kirkland — #Match10 @kirklandgov

Kelli Mohr
1 min readMar 12, 2015

I was walking my dog last Saturday morning when I noticed a group of people actively clearing sticker bushes in Juanita Beach Park. At the opening of the park there was a sign for a Green Kirkland event. I instantly had to look this up and see what this group of adults, youths and kids were up to.

Green Kirkland actively restores natural areas in the City of Kirkland parks. As a resident of Kirkland for the last 8.5 years, I am extremely grateful for the work they do to keep our parks nice.

They also offer a Stewardship program to train people who want to take on leadership positions and create their own restoration teams. What a fantastic opportunity! We all need more trained leaders on our teams, whether it be in volunteering, on sports teams or at work.

I think it’s really important to donate to my community and support the people doing great work and actively changing lives. As part of my 52 Weeks of Giving campaign, I’ve printed their form and my check is in the mail to the City of Kirkland. Hope you will support Green Kirkland too!



Kelli Mohr

Spend my days in the Cloud. Keep things simple and efficient. Software Engineer. DevOps Enthusiast. Agile Evangelist. Amateur farmer.