North Cascades Institute — #Match10

Kelli Mohr
1 min readMar 1, 2015


The North Cascades Institute provides programs for Adults and Youths to connect with the environment. Their goal is teach people to protect the environments of the Nothwest.

I really enjoy the cultural history they include in their instruction. I love learning about the history of areas and the people that inhabited it many years ago.

The North Cascades Institute partners with Western Washington University to provide a Master of Environmental Education and Non-Profit Administration. How great to expand your education and get outdoors mentoring the community!

I’m excited to check out the North Cascades Environmental Learning Center this coming month. I’ve yet to see Diablo Lake and it’s definitely on my bucket list.

I wish I would have known about the North Cascades Institute before I started my 52 Weeks of Giving adventure, I feel like I’ve been missing out on some great kept secret! I’m happy to donate and I hope you will too.



Kelli Mohr

Spend my days in the Cloud. Keep things simple and efficient. Software Engineer. DevOps Enthusiast. Agile Evangelist. Amateur farmer.