Serial — #Match10

Kelli Mohr
1 min readFeb 15, 2015

Like so many others when I heard the first episode Serial, I was immediately hooked. I admire the research and drive of the storyteller Sarah Koenig. She and her team carefully waded through all the material associated with the death of Hae Min Lee.

We all have our opinions on the innocence of Adnan Syed. I think this is what good stoytelling is about. Give us the facts and let us decide for ourselves.

I chose to donate to the Serial podcast as part of my 52 Weeks of Giving. I want them to create more riveting content that challenges our minds and beliefs. I hope you will join me too.



Kelli Mohr

Spend my days in the Cloud. Keep things simple and efficient. Software Engineer. DevOps Enthusiast. Agile Evangelist. Amateur farmer.