Don’t Try This At Home: The Penile Edition

7 odd objects removed from penises

Kiki Wellington
Sex and Satire


Photo by monstArrr_ on iStock

Although ill-advised, it’s understandable why people would put unusual objects in their vagina or butt when masturbating — in the heat of the moment, it seems like there’s adequate room in these orifices. But a penis? Surely, men would leave that alone, right?

Wrong. As with other orifices, doctors have chronicled what can go wrong when people decide to stick something inside of their penis. Below are seven cases of odd objects that needed to be removed from a penis.


Yes, you read that right. As Dr. Mona Moore writes in VICE, a 45-year-old patient came to see her because he was unable to urinate. After giving the man a catheter so he could relieve himself, she had him X-rayed to determine the problem. The X-ray revealed lumps in his bladder that Moore was convinced were cancerous tumors. As a result, the patient was scheduled for surgery so a camera could help Moore see exactly what was going on.

And what was going on was something she never would have guessed.

“As the camera slid into his bladder, the whole surgery stopped in disbelief,” explained Moore. “Those were not cancerous lumps writhing around in horrible humping masses, but maggots. There was a rampant maggot orgy…

