How Casual Conversation Enhances Your Customer Experience

Patrick Voyer
3 min readNov 23, 2015


Every individual involved in the customer experience (A.K.A. 99% of people) agrees to a simple idea: In order to retain customers and sell, the customer must feel important. The problem, however, is that those same individuals usually believe the answer is showering them with loyalty programs and deals. While these ideas all have their own merit, there is one proven method any employee can use when communicating with customers. And the best part? It’s free!

It’s quite simple: talk to your customers about things other than business.

I can hear you already protesting, “But how will I make a sale when I’m talking about the weather?” That is why this method, like all things, comes in moderation.

A great trick is to remember details. When you converse with your clients, pick up on what they say: their hobbies, why they’re buying, what they’re doing, etc. You can use this information for a much more personal touch during future discussions. For example, you can turn a generic SMS sent to a client into a special, genuine message. Refer to their upcoming vacation, or ask them how their house renovation is going. Incorporate whatever your clients have conversed with you into your future discussions (in person, SMS, or online)!

By showing you listen and care about your clients as people, you make your client think positive thoughts:

“Wow! This employee is a human being! He isn’t just trying to rob me of my well-earned money!”

“This guy knows his stuff, and truly cares that I succeed in my projects.”

“It felt really good to talk about my interests and make a good purchase, I will return to buy here more often.”

According to a report on the impact customer experience has on sales, the two things that will make customers commit to a brand the most are, in order of importance: “Friendly employees or customer service representatives” and “The ability to easily find the information or help they need.” Making customers feel like employees genuinely care about them, while answering all their problems, is the key to customer retention.

Casual conversation opens up many benefits for you, regardless of your position. People become more comfortable around you and will see you for help, they are willing to open up to you about life details, and your positive attitude will work wonders for your business’ image.

It’s that simple. By having friendly interactions with your clients, you break the traditional mold of the “scary, manipulative salesman.” However, you must direct the conversation; the end goal is still a sale. When the right conditions are met, conversing with your clients in a human manner will make your customer experience a unique one. Conversation is the most powerful tool of communication; use it to make your customer relationships the best in the business.

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Patrick Voyer

Content Manager at I believe in people before bottom lines. Check us out: @kimobysms and!