Personal Trainers?

Sunshine Carusi Trugillo
2 min readJan 15, 2016


I have often wondered if spending the money on a personal trainer would be worth it. I would have someone to push my limits in a way that I cannot. I would have someone to be accountable to. I would have someone helping me to accurately track my progress. But who has that kind of money right now? Especially raising two toddlers in a tiny trailer.

This morning, I was shown I don’t need to spend crazy amounts of money to have someone else tell me what to do to get in shape. I have motivation and ambition. I just needed something to keep me going when I was ready to give up. Someone to drive me to do just a little bit more.

Enter two tiny dictators with endless amounts of energy. I turned on the Wii, just wanting to get in a dance or two on my favorite game. The second my three year old heard the opening music, he was on the floor with me, grooving out, picking my songs, and giving me a high five at the end of each one. He rooted for me, worked with me, and reminded me even to get a drink.

Why pay $50/hour or more, or whatever a trainer is charging these days, when I have one working for room and board right here in the comfort of my own home? I never would have imagined. In any case, it is a lot more fun to remember to work out when I get to do it with my kids.

That being said, he is dragging me back onto the dance floor. Bon Appetit!



Sunshine Carusi Trugillo

After a long hiatus, I'm thinking it's time to revisit and revise this blog!