Play to Rip F2P Guide

3 min readMay 30, 2024


Congrats, you got whitelisted to earn in Knights of the Ether’s Play to Rip campaign FOR FREE!

Here’s everything you need to know to get started.

First, if you’ve never played Knights of the Ether before, check out the Onboarding Guide HERE.

Second, once you know how to play KOTE, you need to know where to find the most up to date information. Join the Discord HERE and follow the X HERE.

Third, you’re probably wondering “How do I make the most of this opportunity?” Well there are 3 main things to know…

1. Daily Expeditions

Every 24 hours, starting at 1600 UTC, a new map begins in Knights of the Ether. On each map you are now WL’d to play as the Basic Villager 3 times and earn 40 XP each playthrough, 20 XP each time you beat the Stage 1 and Stage 2 Bosses.

This XP helps you level up your Free Battle Pass. Each level of your battle pass grants you either $Fief or a Loot Box. $Fief is an in-game currency used to level up Initiated Characters and Loot Boxes are filled to the brim with valuable NFTs as well as $ARB!

Make sure to beat those bosses 3 times each day to get the most out of your WL spot and get the most $ARB!

2. Guild Leaderboards

You can also earn $ARB on the Guild Leaderboard, found HERE (soon).

Every day a new Leaderboard goes live, and the top 200 players each day earn anywhere between 1 and 23 $ARB depending on your placement.

The best part is that only NEW players are competing on this leaderboard, so everyone is starting off on an even playing field.

3. Marketplace Rebates

As a WL’d guild member you are eligible for two types of rebates.

  • You can buy the Battle Pass HERE (soon) and get 20 $ARB rebated
  • You can buy an Initiated Villager HERE (soon) and get 10 $ARB rebated

This is limited to the first 25 Battle Pass buyers and the first 25 Initiated Villager buyers each week, starting each Monday at 16:00 UTC.

Battle Pass rebates happen within 48 hours, but Initiated Villager rebates don’t process until the end of Season 1, to disincentivize quick flips that take advantage of the rebate program, which is meant to help onboard new users who will stick around the KOTE ecosystem.

You don’t need to do anything extra to earn your rebate, we will be automatically tracking it on our end.

Thanks for reading, and we hope you make the most of this unique opportunity!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How Do I Keep My Spot For Season 2?

You are only guaranteed a WL spot for Season 1. In order to keep your spot in Season 2, you need to reach at least level 15 on the Battle Pass.

My Guild (Or A Guild I’m Part Of) Didn’t Get WL’d For Season 1, How Can I Get Access For Season 2?

Open a support-ticket in our Discord HERE and let us know why your guild would be a good fit for Season 2!

Where Do I Play Knights of the Ether?

Right in your web browser, HERE! (Chrome works best. If you’re having trouble playing make sure to ask for help in our Discord.)

