Coffee Alternatif for Ramadan Fasting

Sidqi Hatake
3 min readMar 26, 2024


I can’t find the best time to drink coffee during fasting month or ramadan. If I drink it at night when I break the fast, my sleep would be in trouble. If I drink it at suhoor before fasting, my hydration would be in trouble.

For fasting quality, I need a proper sleep to recover my energy. So as hydration, for someone who’s doing dry fasting, it is so important to not take any diuretic nutrition to prevent dehydration.

Fasting in Ramadan

During Ramadan, moslem is abstain from food and drink from sunrise until sunset everyday. In this holy month, every moslem is expected to be focused on practicing praying everyday even more than any other month. So that’s fasting.

Chicory Root Coffee, source : Lehner Belkaied

For someone like me who always has some sort of relationship with coffee, caffeine has always been my daily intake. If drinking regular coffee when I break the fast could potentially bother my fasting, how should I maintain my relationship with this magic drink?

Coffee Alternative

Of course this problem of mine has to be solved. I love coffee not only for its caffeine intake which can have some benefits, but also for the delicious bitter fruity and sweet taste of it. Here’s some alternatives!

First alternative that comes to mine is mocha. But the truth is, chocolate also contains a good amount of caffeine. For the taste that is similar to robusta, dark chocolate may contain more caffeine than medium or sweet chocolate.

The other alternative is tea. But this is already a problem because everyone who loves coffee may take tea as the opposition drink. Although in this modern coffee farming and roasting they may find coffee that has tea like flavor but it still not as tea drink.Tea also contains enough caffeine.

The next alternative is everything like fruits or beans which to this day have been produced to be the substitutes of coffee like chicory roots, orzo and so on. So far, all of it can’t be a substitute for coffee yet.

Decaf Coffee Processing, source : Trees Organic Coffee

Would it be as good as coffee?

The most acceptable alternative of coffee is still coffee drink but already decaffeinated. This is the one that makes sense for the dry fasting people in Ramadan who are also a fan of coffee. Turns out, decaffeinated coffee was already produced in 1930.

How can coffee be caffeinated? It’s purely chemical. I mean, the natural way is coffee with caffeine.

I won’t go into the technical details very much, but the technique to decaf is that coffee beans are soaked with any chemical component before the roasting process. When the beans are soaked, it seems like the pores of the surface will be open and the caffeine will dissolve. It dissolves pretty much for like 80–90% of it.

At first invented techniques to decaf, the flavor would be pretty much lost together with the caffeine. But then the producers of decaf have invented a way to not lose the flavor.

So, decaf can somehow be as good as coffee because it is coffee in the purest form. I mean, it’s coffee for the taste only, not for the benefit of the caffeine.

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Sidqi Hatake

Feeling very lucky after tasting coffee. So, I am gonna write about it!