Popular Arabica Coffee Variety in Indonesia

Sidqi Hatake
3 min readDec 13, 2023


From the world coffee research website, it’s more than 50 varieties of Arabica Coffee in the world. Between that, how many varieties are there in Indonesia?

Coffee is an international commodity which has been valuable since the European occupation era. The Europeans can only get the product, but not the plantation ground.

It’s Indonesia which is one of the few as the most potential coffee plantation ground in the world. How many Arabica Coffee varieties have already grown in Indonesia?

Typica Arabica, source : canarias horizonte de salud
Typica Arabica, source : canarias horizonte de salud

Coffee Species

Species in this term is an individual that can be bred to produce a viable product such as variety. If it’s too hard to understand, there are Arabica and Robusta which both are coffee plantation species.

From Arabica, there are many varieties as a result of development for many purposes. To find good taste, good plants, good products, etc, a farmer usually develops this Arabica species.

For example, one of the basic Arabica, which is indigenous to Ethiopia then transported to Yemen to be abyssinia. So abyssinia is a variety from Ethiopian Arabica.

Hibrido de Timor, source Brix Coffee
Hibrido de Timor, source Brix Coffee

Another product is Robusta. Vietnam and Indonesia are known as the countries that produce a lot of Robusta to export worldwide.

Arabica Variety in Indonesia

Indonesia already has Arabica Coffee variety since the Holland occupation era. As you may not know, Arabica is still developed until today and that would be a new variety.

So, if you are interested in finding the old Arabica Coffee variety, you may search in some of the provinces in Indonesia.

Lini S, source Benih Perkebunan
Lini S, source Benih Perkebunan

There are 6 Arabica Coffee varieties popular in Indonesia such as :


Among the old Arabica Coffee variety, Typica is the first type that is transported and grown in Indonesia. Local typica varieties that still exist until today are Bergendal and Sidikalang which can be found in Sumatra, Sulawesi and Flores.

Hibrido de Timor (HDT)

As it is mentioned in the name, this variety is hybrid from Arabica and Robusta species which were planted in Timor Timur in 1978. The result has high quality which then in the 1980 the plant transported and developed in Aceh and Flores.

Lini Ethiopia, source Indonesian Specialty Coffee
Lini Ethiopia, source Indonesian Specialty Coffee

Lini S

Linie S is from India which then developed to be S-288 and S-795 varieties. These varieties can be found in Aceh, Lintong, Jawa, Bali, Sulawesi, Flores and Papua.

Lini Ethiopia

In 1928, Linie Ethiopia was transported to Java, Indonesia. Aceh was the first to develop it, then Sumatra and Flores. The result is Rambung, Abyssinia and USDA varieties.

Caturra Cultivars

Yellow Caturra, source Kopi Lesung

Caturra Cultivars developments in Indonesia produce twin caturra which are Yellow and Red. This variety is from a bourbon coffee plant from Brazil. You can find these varieties at Dieng Plateau and any other region.

Lini Catimor

Lini Catimor is also a hybrid of Arabica and Robusta which is developed in Aceh. The result of this development is known as the Ateng Jaluk variety.

So there are six Arabica Coffee varieties in Indonesia. I think there are many more which might still be unpopular or develop further.

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Sidqi Hatake

Feeling very lucky after tasting coffee. So, I am gonna write about it!