8 min readJun 11, 2022


Squiggle Game

In yesterdays project announcement we gave you some insight into the overall way that LIT Project Three and Project Zero work.

The Squiggle Game that leads into the Superhero PFP Project.

Not one, but two independent projects in their own standing.

This post is a detailed focus on Project Three - The LIT Squiggle Game.

It is designed to help you understand the functionality of the gameplay, the rules, the minting process and more.

You can think of it as the practical guide to your Squiggle Game Challenge.


We at team LIT asked ourselves; what would a LIT multi-player, crypto version of the Nokia Snake Game look like?

During this process, we realised that, what makes the snake game so great, is that you compete against yourself.

What makes the Squiggle Game so great, is that you still compete against yourself, while also being networked with thousands of other Litizens to see who among us has the true OG snake game moves and can win the fame and glory of the greatest gamer of all, the Squiggle Game Champion!

We think this is the best of Web1, 2 and 3!

Taking what we love about what’s old and reinventing it as new and innovative.

That’s LIT.


The game has been designed to play on your mobile phone, directly from your Opensea account.

The way this works is simple, the token can remember your last highest score.

So you can play the game, over and over, and every time you die in the game, the NFT holds a memory of the highest score for that token.

Each new highest score, overrides the memory of the last.

You can play the game as often as you like, any time of the day or night during the challenge window to achieve your highest possible score.

When you hit what you believe to be your highest possible score, and you want to lock that score to your game token, simply head over to the custom built Squiggle Game Challenge webApp (Link will be provided upon launch).

Once on the Squiggle Game WebApp, you can connect your wallet that holds your token inside and follow the steps to lock your score on the leader board.

Remember, once you lock your score in place, you will not be able to change the locked score for that token. You have one chance to decide.

If you would like to have a second attempt at the leaderboard or a second chance at the prize pool you can purchase an unlocked token on the secondary marketplace and start over.

Some things to note:

  • When you lock your token, the cover artwork of the NFT will change to indicate that the token is now locked.
  • At the time of locking your score, you will not be able to transfer or list your NFT for sale for a period of 5 hours. We included this to ensure that the token cover has time to update on Opensea. In testing, this was ample time, however we recommend before making any purchase on the secondary market you update the metadata and check the token via the token checker we will be providing on the Squiggle Game site.
  • The leaderboard will remain fluid until the end of the challenge, when it will be locked forever.


As a team we put some thought into how the game could be botted and adjusted the following to prevent this:

  1. You will notice that the game board has randomized black squares, if you run into one of these black squares during gameplay, you will die. The location of these squares change every time you start a new game.
  2. As per the original Nokia Snake Game, our Squiggle speeds up at a cadence that increases the higher your score goes. This means the game gets harder the higher your score.
  3. We will be monitoring game play closely & will call out suspicious actors, resulting in elimination if deemed necessary.


Just a few rules to keep us in check.

  1. The aim of the game is to eat as many flames as possible while not bumping into the edges or the little back squares within the game screen.
  2. Each flame gives you 10 points.
  3. You can only lock one highest score per NFT. If you wish to secure multiple places in the Squiggle Leader Board or have multiple attempts at your high score you will need a new NFT for each locked score. You can purchase additional NFT’s from the official collection on Opensea.
  4. You can not sell your NFT for 5 hours after locking your score. This allows enough time for the metadata to update both the scoreboard and Opensea so your NFT can not be sold or transferred during this time.
  5. All Squiggle games are created equal and designed for humans to play. To be included in the prize draw please ensure that you are using the correct official Squiggle Game NFT via the official links provided by the team.
  6. Once the final scoreboard is locked there will be no changes or exceptions. Make sure you get your personal highest score locked into the scoreboard before the challenge cutoff.


The challenge kicks off from the minting of the first tokens. The challenge will run for three weeks from the minting of the last token, ending at midnight EST on Friday 8th July.


With the gameplay clear, we now get to focus on the outcome!

So what do you get if you are in fact, the most skills gamer among all Litizens?

Below is a breakdown of the Squiggle Game Challenge prizes.


In addition to the prize draw, the Squiggle Game Challenge sets out which mint group you will be in for the Superhero PFP project.

Both Project Three mint and Project Zero have a tiered minting process.

Litizens will recall that we made some announcements on the initial categories over the past couple of weeks and a snapshot was taken on the evening of June 3rd of all LIT holders.

Within the initial categories, it put a number of Litizens into the same group as the public mint category.

Upon review of this, and some other developments with the allow list we have changed this around to reflect what we think is an all inclusive approach to both Project Three and Project Zero.

It should be noted, the only way to mint as part of the Project Zero, Superhero PFP is to hold a Project Three LIT Squiggle Game NFT in your wallet at the time of mint.

Below is a breakdown of the minting groups.

Minting Group Notes:

  • The snapshot included all staked LIT
  • The snapshot required all your NFTs to be in the same wallet as your LIT/ Staked LIT
  • Each group will have a 24 hours minting time window.
  • If you miss your group mint window, you will be able to mint in the window directly following your groups for the new price. For example if you are in group one but miss the window, you will be able to mint in group two for the group two price.
  • If you are unsure, you will be able to check which group you are in on each day of minting via the official mint site page.
  • Yes, you noticed correctly. We offered our friends at Artblocks and the SquiggleDAO a custom allowlist as a way to extend our thanks and continue to celebrate them as part of this project!

Nokia Snake Game was the most democratic of games, young and old, gamers and artists alike everyone could play.

We saw this as the perfect mint pass. That participating in something fun can open up opportunities that don’t just rely on your purchase power.

The Squiggle Game will be how we decide together the distribution of the NFT’s in LIT Project Zero based on the top 10 winners and then following ranking positions at the end of the challenge period:

Additional Prizes

There will be some surprise prizes along the way of the challenge. Including some one day intense battles, with details of these to be released after the mint!


At the end of the project launch of both Project Three and Project Zero, the LIT Team will create a slightly modified version of the LIT Squiggle Game and gift this to the DAO. This means, the LITDAO will be able to create Squiggle Game Challenges at any time in the future, for any reason you wish, including, just to have fun!


A big part of this project for the LIT core team was to empower the creation of the DAO. This includes allocating a significant portion of the proceeds of the project to the DAO.

Within this, for Project Three, LITDAO will receive 50% of Primary sales after expenses and 50% of the 7.5% of secondary sales royalty. Plus a small allocations of Project Three NFTs.

For Project Zero, LIT DAO will receive 33% of Primary sales and 37.5% of the 7.5% secondary sales royalty. Plus a small allocation of Project Zero NFTs.

These proceeds will be sent to the LITDAO treasury wallet that currently holds the $LIT tokens gifted by Coz. Once the DAO Treasury Framework is in place, the LITDAO will take over the signatory and management of this wallet.


Below is the current minting schedule, we will keep you up to date on this in the discord announcements leading up to each group’s mint.

From today up until mint we will be focused on Project Three. Answering your questions and making sure everyone is ready to dive into the Challenge as soon as it’s lunched.

Next week we will release Announcement Three. Which is focused on Project Zero - Superhero PFP.

This announcement will get into the details of the incredible work Dave is creating, the details of the PFP project and the roadmap that comes with it which is something special that we are all very excited about!

Litizens.. It’s time for some fun!!

Let the games begin!

