The Behind Story of Zan (part 2)

3 min readFeb 7, 2023


Zan and…me

I am back! (it’s me, the marketer of Zan 😎)

Like promised, today I’ll briefly explain how 2D Zan became 3D Zan.

So, as you would know from our recent Medium post, Zan who was an AZUKI NFT, was created into a 2D game character by Nerdystar.

Read the recent post here if you haven’t yet.

Now, people who have experienced DESPERADO B218’s CBT would know…… that our game characters are in 3D.

DESPERADO B218 CBT screenshot

They walk, run, fight….and Zan right now….is just standing pretty.

This time I ran to our 3D artists. (and cried)

Luckily, our 3D artists were interested in creating Zan, so I didn’t have to buy coffee this time. (whew)

First of all, we created Zan out of mud… no we created the initial modeling based on the concept art of Zan.

The modeling process in 3ds Max


Diffuse map for Zan (I had no idea…looks more like an error…bug)
Adding final touches in 3ds Max

Ta-da! Now we have a colorful 3D model of Zan. Now we needed to add life to her. We need her to move and be ready for battle.

Animating Zan in Blender

Through the hard work of our artists and animators, Zan in 3D was finally created and was revealed to our community.

Click here to watch Zan’s live interview!

I wonder who the voice actor is…🙄

In the future, we plan to get our community involved as much as possible during the process of developing Zan. (Isn’t that what Web 3 is for??)

For example, we are currently receiving votes for Zan’s idle pose at twitter.

Very touching…💙

So, that was the process of creating Zan into a 3D model!

I hope it was interesting and in my next and final story, I’ll bring some interesting news for you guys!

Stay tuned!

Can you guess what the interesting news is?

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