Photo by Tracy Thomas

Back To The Past: 90s technology

Lalaina Rackson
5 min readSep 12, 2017

I’m a proud member of the 90s kids club. Granted I was born in 1994 and only lived the last 6 years of the 90s but I still saw the transition between today’s high-tech and the 90s tech. Yup, I am one of those people who can say “OMG kids these days don’t know about this” or “OMG do you remember that?”.

So today, I have decided to go back down memory lane and just remember all the old technolgies we all used to have in our houses.

Disks, Cassettes And CDs:

Disks used on computers ; Cassettes used on VHS ; CDs used on a CD player

Some of those things have totally disappeared from existance (Disks and Cassettes), or at least they’re rarely being used. The CD player is not really being used either as everyone has a smartphone that can play music now. That or people use a MP3 but even the MP3 has kind of disappeared to be honest…

The Good Ol’ Greyish Computer:

There it is, the one and only Most Valuable Technology (MVT)! Just kidding! We’ve come a long way from this beautiful piece of machinery to the now sleek performant computers and laptop that we have (and smartphones!). Let’s take a moment to remember this piece of technology and what it put us through. I mean, it was a great computer for the time! I remember using it all the time and that is how I got to become kind of a tech savvy.


Should we even talk about the phones from the 90s? I saw all these phones in my house at one point or another. I, myself, had a brick for a phone when I was old enough to have my own phone. It’s so funny to look at those phones now.

Now, on to the fun part. Here are the games and fun stuff that we all used to have (or wanted).

Electronic Diary:

I have to admit that at first I didn’t really remember what that was but I did remember using it. After looking it up online I found out that this was an electronic diary. I don’t really think I actually used it has a diary but I do remember using it to play pretend.


I remember having one of these like it was yesterday! This HitClips makes me want to laugh and cry of nostalgy haha When you remember it, it’s kind of a stupid device but at the same time it is such an amazing thing! I know, I don’t make any sense but let’s be honest the 90s didn’t make that much sense. So to all the new kids, this was the equivalent of an MP3 before the MP3 was even a thing. It’s basically a mini CD player except that you don’t put CDs but rather some small little disks. Each little disk had one song on it (or two maybe?) and you had to buy different little disks with different music if you wanted to listen to more than one song. Otherwise you were stuck with just one disk and one music, for me it was Britney Spears. I don’t think I had a lot of disks as I only remember listening to Britney. Anyway, this little device is kind of ridiculous and pathetic but if I could find mine again I would most certainly use it out of nostalgy haha I mean, you gotta love the 90s and all it’s strange amazingness.

The OG Nintendo:

All Hail the Nintendo Gods!

Nintendo is such a great game company! And to be honest, the Nintendo 64 is my favorite game console ever! I don’t really care much for the Wiis and the Switches and the whatevers that everyone want these days. If I could find my Nintendo 64, I would install it in my house pronto! I didn’t play the game boy that much but I did have some fun with it.

And now, on to my favorite thing on earth. The one and only, TAMAGOTCHI!


I used to bug my parents to buy me one of those. I’m not sure if it really counts as 90s toys as I think that they were created in early 00s? I don’t know… Or maybe they were created in the 90s but I only got them really late because my family was not really into trends or we couldn’t really afford all the cool stuff when they came out. I don’t know but everyone was crazy for the Tamagotchi, let’s be honest!

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