Celebrating International Women’s Day in London

Inspired by the Women Of the World (WOW 2017 London)

Lalaina Rackson


What a wonderful time to be a woman. Women, we have come so far! When I think of what our predecesor went through in order for us to be here today, it just brings tears to my eyes. I am so proud and happy to be a woman and I hope that I can inspire other women to be proud and happy to be women too. Hopefully I’ll also be able to do more than that and I’ll actually be able to inspire human beings to just be incredible human beings. All of us are great, whether you identify as a woman or as a man! And each and everyone of us is capable of doing incredible things only if we’d allow ourselves to!

I am so glad that today I went to “Women Of The World (WOW)” in London. I met some nice and incredible women and young girls who are fighting for a better world! Let’s all work together to make this world a better place for each and every one of us!

Here are a few pictures that I took from today:

Solana Lord Baptiste — Tomorrow’s warriors
Tomorrow’s Warriors
Girl Power! 💪🏾 — Presented by Gemma Cairney
June Eric-Udorie & Bradford’s Speakers’ Corner

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Thank you for stopping by, hope you’ve had a nice stay! ❤︎

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