Photo by Senjuti Kundu

Don’t Let Your Excitement Go Extinct

Lalaina Rackson
3 min readDec 15, 2017

Do you remember when you wanted to learn how to do things when you were a child?

Maybe you wanted to know how your cousin could jump rope. Or maybe you wanted to know how your mother could draw so well. Or maybe you wanted to know how your uncle did those magic tricks.

You were eager for them to teach you and you got so excited to finally learn how to do it.

But then you would get frustrated if you didn’t get it right and after a few tries, you would storm out to play with something else.

And do you also remember how you would sneakily practice when no one was watching?

My job is to take care of children and I’ve seen children do that plenty of times!

They would get frustrated and storm off but secretly they had never given up.

We secretly all want to know how to do things, even the things that we know that we’re bad at.

And one day eventually we will succeed and that’s exciting!

When we were children we would be excited to succeed so much so that we would do that thing again and again and we would show how well we can do it to everyone. Even if we failed in the process of showing someone how we can do this magic trick, we would say “wait hold on” and we would try again. We would keep on practicing the thing that we succeeded at and we would be as excited as the first time when we would do it right.

Unfortunately, as we grow older, we lose that excitement.

We learn to do something and then we think that we’re done. We don’t really practice that thing anymore.

We think that success is just an end result, something that you’ve done and are over with.

Sometimes some of us even stop wanting to learn new things because we don’t think that we can do it so what’s the point of even wasting our time? Or maybe we don’t want to learn this particular thing because we just dont want to.

We stop wanting to succeed. We stop wanting to learn. We stop wanting to try. We basically stop wanting to do things.

We just walk around, get on with our little daily habits and then go back to bed.

The excitement is gone, the success is gone, the curiosity is gone… everything is gone.

That is why we need to keep doing things. Even if you did it right a couple of times, keep being excited to get it right and never stop practicing!

And even if there are a lot of things that you’ve already learned how to do, don’t stop being curious to try new things! Even things that you completely suck at or don’t even like that much!

That excitement for things is what keeps us a live!

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