Getting Your First Grey Hair When You’re Young — What it means

Lalaina Rackson


A few days ago, I took a picture of myself.

And when I looked back at the picture, I noticed a little streak of silver in my hair.

I was so excited!

“It’s my grey hair!” I thought.

I have had this grey hair for about 7 years or maybe even more. I actually don’t quite remember when I first noticed it but I know that it was quite a while ago, when I was still a teenager.

To be honest with you, I love that grey hair! It’s honestly really beautiful!

And I know that it’s just a hair, what’s the big deal, right?

But for some reason I’ve always been so happy and excited about having a grey hair.

Now that I think about it, I kind of relate to this one grey hair.

Call me crazy. Go on.

But although this grey hair is just another hair on my head, it is still so different and special to me.

Some people think that grey hair are ugly and it has to be taken out ASAP.

“Hurry! Before anyone sees it! A grey hair? What? Where? No, I don’t have that.”

But personally, I just love it and I want to keep it.

Some people will see a grey hair as a sign of being old.

But personally, I just take it has it is. It’s just a grey hair. It doesn’t mean that I am old or wise or anything. This grey hair is just as it is and it’s just how it’s supposed to be.

I’m even going to go as far as saying that I relate to my grey hair.

Go on judge me. I don’t care.

This grey hair kind of reminds me of how different I am from other people and yet, I’m still just like everybody else, a human.

This grey hair also reminds me of myself because it has been on my head for more than 7 years and hasn’t fallen down. This hair is the most resilient mother trucker!

And just like my grey hair, I am very resilient and I rarely give up. Especially if it has to do with something that I’m passionate about, which is pretty much everything as I’m a scorpio.

Also, my grey hair has never left my side, it has never fallen down. Even though I lose a good amount of hair every single day — If you’re a girl, you know the struggle… — my grey hair surprisingly never fell.

And just like my grey hair, I’m a pretty loyal person and I’ll never leave your side. Not in a stalker way… Just that if I give you my loyalty then I’ll be loyal till the end. I’m a ride or die kind of person.

Anyway, all that to say that I was excited to be able to capture this grey hair on camera.

I’ve always tried to take pictures of it but you could never see it properly on camera. And also, taking pictures of it required a lot of unnatural poses which proved to be too much of a hustle.

That’s why I was so excited about this one picture, because my grey hair naturally decided to show up. I didn’t even have to try to show it off. It just came out of hiding and there it is:

I named my grey hair Gary FYI

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Lalaina Rackson

Empowering a generation to live authentically #WeTheAuthenticGeneration — Email me: